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This SDK is the old Axeptio flavor and is now deprecated. Please go to axeptio/sample-app-ios to discover our brand new TCF compliant SDK with sample apps in Objective C and Swift covering many use cases.


User consent is not limited to the web, but applies to all platforms that collect user data. This includes mobile devices.




AxeptioSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


0.5 (iOS 12+)

  • Swift package manager integration


Swift Package Manager


source ''
platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'AxeptioSDK', '~> 0.5.0'

Getting started


In the main controller of your applmication, import the AxeptioSDK module, initialize the SDK by calling the initialize method providing a clientId and a version. Once initialization is complete, you can make the widget appear by calling the showConsentController method.

import UIKit
import AxeptioSDK

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Set a custom token
        // Axeptio.shared.token = "auto-generated-token-xxx"

        Axeptio.shared.initialize(clientId: "<Client ID>", version: "<Version>") { error in
	    // Handle error
	    // You could try to initialize again after some delay for example
            Axeptio.shared.showConsentController(in: self) { error in
                // User has made his choices
		// We can now enable or disable the collection of metrics of the analytics library
                if Axeptio.shared.getUserConsent(forVendor: "<Vendor name>") ?? false {
                    // Disable collection
                } else {
                    // Enable collection

If your application supports multiple languages, you have probably created a different version for each of them in the Axeptio administration web page. In this case you can store the version for each language in the Localizable.strings file and use NSLocalizedString to get the appropriate version for the user.


#import "ViewController.h"
#import <AxeptioSDK/AxeptioSDK-Swift.h>

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // Set a custom token
    // [Axeptio setToken:@"auto-generated-token-xxx"];

    [Axeptio initializeWithClientId:@"<Client ID>" version:@"<Version>" completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
        // Handle error
        // You could try to initialize again after some delay for example
        [Axeptio showConsentControllerWithInitialStepIndex:0 onlyFirstTime:TRUE in:self animated:YES completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
            // User has made his choices
            // We can now enable or disable the collection of metrics of the analytics library
            if ([Axeptio getUserConsentForVendor:@"<Vendor name>"]) {
                // Disable collection
            } else {
                // Enable collection


API Reference

Apple Tracking User Data permission



The token property can be used to set a custom token. By default, a random identifier is set.

This property is particularly useful for apps using webviews. By opening the webview while passing the token in the axeptio_token querystring parameter, the consent previously given in the app will be reused on the website if it uses the web SDK.



The initialize function initializes the SDK by fetching the configuration and calling the completion handler when finished.

If this fails, because of the network for example, it is possible to call the initialize function again, unless the error is Already Initialized.

If you need to reset the Axeptio SDK for a different project id for the same client id or change both you should call the revere function

func initialize(clientId: String, version: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)


The showConsentController function shows Axeptio's widget to the user in a given view controller and calls the completion handler when the user has made his choices. If onlyFirstTime is true and the user has already made his choices in a previous call the widget is not shown and the completion is called immediately. However if the configuration includes new vendors then the widget is shown again. You can specify an initialStepIndex greater than 0 to show a different step directly.

func showConsentController(initialStepIndex: Int = 0, onlyFirstTime: Bool = true, in viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool = true, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) -> (() -> Void)?

If the widget is displayed, the function returns a reject handler that you can call to hide the widget if necessary. Otherwise, it returns nil.


The getUserConsent function returns an optional boolean indicating if the user has made his choice for given vendor and whether or not he gave his consent. If the returned value is nil it either means the vendor was not present in the configuration or the widget has not been presented to the user yet.

func getUserConsent(forVendor name: String) -> Bool?


The setUserConsentToDisagreeWithAll function sets consent for all vendors to false and saves the preference. This function is useful when using application tracking transparency. If a user refuses the tracking permission request, call this function to have the CMP not displayed and the user's consent saved in the Axeptio consent log.