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Dani Alias edited this page May 27, 2024 · 20 revisions

Axmol tutorials

Basic tutorials

If you're a true beginner with Cocos-Axmol, please check the following link first! Almost everything you learn will be relevant for Axmol Engine too:

Web tutorials:

Video tutorials:

Advanced tutorials

Axmol cpp-tests

cpp-tests may be the best tutorial for Axmol Engine users. It's a demonstration of all the functionalities of the engine, all included in the source code. Please check it here:

cpp-tests demo

All the source code is available, so anyone can open the files and check how it's done.

For compiling, open a terminal, navigate to the tests/cpp-tests folder, and use the axmol build ... command that is relevant for the platform you want to target. More instructions about installing here.

Run it, see how things work, and then read the code to figure out how things are done. It's all in there.

Cocos2d-x tutorials

Having a lot of Cocos2d-x tutorials around the internet may be of a great help, but also can bring confusion. Please be aware there is a lot of deprecations for older Cocos2d-x versions. Only v3 and v4 may be relevant for Axmol Engine. For extra help about deprecated methods, please check Migration Guide - Renamed Types.

C++ tutorials

Video tutorials:

CMake tutorials