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Axmol vs Cocos2d‐x

Dani Alias edited this page May 27, 2024 · 10 revisions

This is a comparison between the latest versions of Cocos2d-x (v4.0) and Axmol Engine (2.1.3).

Cocos2d-x v4.0 Axmol Engine 2.1.3
Languages C++11, Lua C++20, Lua
Platforms iOS, Android, Windows, Mac iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Mac, Xbox (UWP), WebAssembly
Engines Metal, OpenGL ES 2.0 Metal, OpenGL ES 2.0-3.0, OpenGL 3.3, ANGLE GLES 3.0+, WebGL 2.0
Extensions GUI, Particle3D Spine, Live2D, Dragonbones, FairyGUI, ImGUI, GUI, Effekseer, Particle3D
Performance (1) Nodes 14303, Triangles 257454 Nodes 20493, Triangles 368874
Architecture Android (x86, armv7, arm64), iOS (x86, arm64), win_x86, linux_x64, osx_x64 Android (x86, x64, armv7, arm64), iOS (x64, arm64), win (x86, x64), linux_x64, osx (x64, arm64), UWP (x64, arm64), wasm32
Latest version Oct 2019 May 2024

(1) Cpp-test Dynamic SpritePolygon Performance, tested on a RTX3070, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz