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Features in progress

aismann edited this page May 22, 2024 · 10 revisions

Here we compile info about the advancements and features in progress. Only for advanced users and contributors!

DrawNode v2 - for testing phase called extension::DrawNodeEx)

At the moment all infos about DrawNode v2 be there: #1579

DrawNode - Tricks 'n' Tips


- `Filled Polygon`
   - No checks on drawPolygon()
     - drawPolygon() using Poly2Tri for triangulation and has the same restrictions.


- `Filled Polygon`/Poly2Tri restrictions:
   Since there are no Input validation of the data given for triangulation you need to think about this:
   - Poly2Tri does not support repeat points within epsilon.
   - If you have a cyclic function that generates random points make sure you don't add the same coordinate twice.
   - If you are given input and aren't sure same point exist twice you need to check for this yourself.

Rendering artifacts with 'tile' based textures

All info there: Rendering artifacts #1608

Maybe somebody want write it better as only a link?