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File metadata and controls

136 lines (96 loc) · 4.17 KB

npm GitHub browser TypeScript


The NavigationLocation class introduced in this package produces a browser history location object with an API similar to window.location (.href, .assign(), .replace()).

As an extension to the window.location interface, this class exposes methods for subscription to changes of the browser history and for pattern matching.



import {NavigationLocation} from 'navloc';

export const location = new NavigationLocation();

Subscription to URL changes

Adding a handler of an exact URL path:

// We are using the `location` instance declared above.
let locationListener = location.addListener('/home', ({href}) => {

of a specific URL path pattern:

location.addListener(/^\/section\/(?<id>\d+)\/?$/, ({href, params}) => {

and removing a previously created location listener:


Tracking all location changes:

let unsubscribe = location.onChange(({href}) => {

and unsubscribing from them:



Checking a location pattern (or an array thereof) if it matches the current path:

// Provided that the current location is '/item/42':
location.match('/home'); // null
location.match('/item/42'); // {}
location.match(/^\/item\/(?<id>\d+)\/?$/); // {0: '42', id: '42'}

location.matches('/home'); // false
location.matches('/item/42'); // true
location.matches(/^\/item\/(?<id>\d+)\/?$/); // true

The evaluate() method works much like the conditional ternary operator (condition ? x : y): if the current location matches the given location pattern its returned value is based on the second parameter and falls back to the third parameter otherwise.

// Provided that the current location is '/item/42':
location.evaluate('/home', 1, 0); // 0
location.evaluate('/item/42', 'a', 'b'); // 'a'
location.evaluate(/^\/item\/(?<id>\d+)\/?$/, 5); // 5

// If the second or the third parameter is a function it will be
// called with `{ href, params }` as its parameter.
location.evaluate('/home', () => 1, ({href}) => href); // '/item/42'
location.evaluate(/^\/item\/(?<id>\d+)\/?$/, ({params}) =>;
// 42


Getting the current location:


Changing the current location:

// With the current location saved in the browser history
// Without saving the current location in the browser history

Reloading the current location (by re-dispatching the current location event to the subscribers of the location instance):


Jumping to browser history entries:

location.go(-2); // to go 2 entries back in the browser history
location.back(); // = location.go(-1);
location.forward(); // = location.go(+1);

Custom behavior

The interaction of a NavigationLocation instance with window.history or window.location is isolated in a number of methods that can be overriden in descendant classes to apply custom behavior. These methods are: initialize(), transition(), go(), deriveHref().

By default, a NavigationLocation instance derives its href from the pathname, search, and hash portions of the URL combined. To make a NavigationLocation instance disregard the URL search and hash, the NavigationLocation class can be extended to redefine the deriveHref() method:

import {getPath, NavigationLocation} from 'navloc';

export class PathLocation extends NavigationLocation {
    deriveHref(location) {
        return getPath(location, {search: false, hash: false});