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Create COGs using EMR

This project lets you create COGs from other raster files, using Apache Spark and AWS's Elastic Map Reduce.

Setting up the code

In src/, you'll need to define the get_input_and_output_paths method to create a list of tuples (input_uri, output_uri) that map input images to output paths. Either of these paths can be local or on S3.

gdal_cog_commands is where the commands for creating a cog live - if you want to modify how the COG is made, e.g. changing compression or resampling method options, that's where you should make changes.

Creating the EMR cluster

Use make to spin up an EMR cluster using terraform.



terraform/ contains the full set of variables which can be specified to modify an EMR deployment. Only those not provided defaults need to be specified, and these can be found within tfvars.tpl - be sure to make a copy of this template and remove 'tpl' from the filename.

You'll also have to edit the COG_EMR_S3_PREFIX in the file. This is where on S3 the python script is uploaded to so that EMR can run it.

The also settings should be edited when required to tune spark performance.


The Makefile commands you'' generally run are:

> make upload-code
> make create-cluster
> make run
> make proxy
> make terminate-cluster
  • make upload-code will upload the python script and script to the location specified in the Makefile as COG_EMR_S3_PREFIX
  • make create-cluster will create the the cluster and use the that was just uploaded.
  • make run Will run the COG create job.
  • make proxy Will create a ssh tunnel, required to access the UIs as described here.
  • make terminate-cluster kills the cluster after you are done with it.

Here is a list of all the commands:

Command Description
terraform-init terraform init - Initialize terraform
terraform-plan terraform plan - Create the cluster plan.
validate-cluster `terraform validate - Validate terraform
create-cluster terraform init, if it's the first run
upload-code Upload the code so it can be run by EMR.
run Runs the pyspark job
ssh SSH into a running EMR cluster
proxy Creates a ssh tunnel to the EMR cluster, needed for UIs
terminate-cluster Destroy a running EMR cluster
print-vars Print out env vars for diagnostic and debug purposes

Long startup times (15 minutes or more) probably indicates that you have chosen a spot price that is too low.

If you want to see the UIs such as the Resource Manager, which can take you to the Spark UI for running jobs, you'll have to jump through some setup hoops, described here.

This cluster will have a running Zeppelin interface, which you can run python and Scala code through.

Running the Job

Upload the code with make upload-code before you run, or after you make changes to the python script.

Use make run to run

Don't forget to tear down your cluster!

This happens a lot, so make sure to call "make terminate-cluster" to tear down your cluster after use. Alternatively you can terminate the cluster through the AWS UI.