Supported platforms
- OS: Win7 (without some features)
- OS: Win8 - Win10
- OS: Win11 (not tested)
- Architecture: x86 (not tested)
- Architecture: x64
- Architecture: ARM64 (compiled but not tested)
- Compiler: VisualStudio 2022
- Compiler: VisualStudio 2022 with Clang
- CPU info
- Memory info
- Thread affinity
- Thread priority
- Thread pause instruction
- Thread: nano/micro sleep
- Window mode: Fullscreen, Borderless
- Async file read/write
- Networking
- Internal resources
- Writable folder
- Input: mouse, keyboard, touchscreen
- Input: gamepad
- Audio:
- native
- Graphics:
- Vulkan (by default requires timeline semaphore)
- Vulkan (without timeline semaphore, compile with
- HDR display (Win10+)
- Debugging / profiling:
- VisualStudio
- RenderDoc
- NSight
- NvProf SDK (partially)
- RGP (not tested)
- Crash reporting
- Scripting
- OS: Ubuntu 23, 24
- Architecture: x64
- Architecture: ARM64
- Architecture: RISC-V 64
- Compiler: GCC12
- Compiler: Clang15
- CPU info
- Memory info (not tested)
- Thread affinity
- Thread priority
- Thread pause instruction
- Thread: nano/micro sleep
- Window mode: Fullscreen, Borderless (not tested)
- Async file read/write
- Networking
- Internal resources
- Writable folder
- Input: mouse, keyboard
- Audio:
- BASS (not tested)
- native
- Graphics:
- Vulkan (by default requires timeline semaphore)
- Vulkan (without timeline semaphore, compile with
- Window system:
- X11
- Wayland
- HDR display (not tested)
- Profiling
- Distribution: Flatpack
- Crash reporting
- OS: Android 7+ (SDK 24)
- Architecture: ARMv8, ARMv7
- Architecture: x86, x64 - supported but not tested
- Compiler: Clang
- CPU info
- Memory info
- Thread affinity
- Thread priority
- Thread pause instruction
- Thread: nano/micro sleep
- Window mode: Fullscreen, With status bar
- Window mode: Window
- Async file read/write
- Networking
- Internal resources
- Writable folder
- Input: keyboard, touchscreen
- Input: external keyboard, gamepad (not tested)
- Input: sensors
- Audio:
- BASS (not tested)
- native
- Graphics: Vulkan (without timeline semaphore)
- Display Cutout
- HDR display
- Profiling:
- Internal performance counters GPU: Adreno/Mali/PowerVR
- Crash reporting
- OS: MacOS 10.15 - 14.0
- Architecture: ARM64, x64
- Compiler: Clang15 (XCode)
- CPU info
- Memory info
- Thread affinity
- Thread priority
- Thread pause instruction
- Thread: nano/micro sleep
- Window mode: Fullscreen, Borderless
- Async file read/write (slow)
- Networking
- Internal resources
- Writable folder
- Input: mouse, keyboard
- Audio:
- BASS (not tested)
- native
- Graphics:
- Metal API 2.x
- Metal API 3.x
- MoltenVk
- Display Cutout
- HDR display (Vulkan)
- HDR display (Metal, not tested)
- Offline resource packing (x64 only)
- Profiling:
- XCode profiler
- Crash reporting
same as MacOS, but not tested
- TaskScheduler
- Graphics (WebGL or WebGPU + Remote)
- Networking
not tested
not implemented