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azproduction edited this page Apr 15, 2013 · 5 revisions
  • Module parameters: exports, require, bind

If you are using jquery as in-package module or any other module without exports. LMD can easily convert it to LMD format. You may add "exports" and/or "require" to your module descriptor to notify LMD that this module should be converted to LMD format. The design of non-lmd2lmd patching is close to require.js shim


You have one 3-party module and you have to include it to the LMD-package.

function pewpew () {


function ololo() {


var someVariable = "string";

It easy, just add "exports" to your module descriptor, add "require" to start module deps:

"third_party_module_b": {
    "path": "vendors/other_module.js",
    "exports": {
        "pewpew": "pewpew",
        "ololo": "ololo",
        "someVariable": "someVariable"
    } // return ALL THE SUFF!!!

Or return just one exports, and some deps

"third_party_module_b": {
    "path": "vendors/other_module.js",
    "exports": "pewpew || ololo", // or var name "pewpew"

    // Modules may have some deps
    "require": {
        "third_party_module_b": "third_party_module_b-dep",
        "someGlobal": "Function"

LMD will make a LMD module from you code (while building LMD-package)

(function (require) { // << added
var third_party_module_b = require("third_party_module_b-dep"), // << added
    someGlobal = require("Function"); // << added

function pewpew () {


function ololo() {


var someVariable = "string";

return pewpew || ololo; // << added
}) // << added

"exports" should be valid JavaScript code or object of valid JavaScript

You may use more complex exports as "exports": "require('$').noConflict(true)" if you are exporting jQuery.

Note Try not to use complex expressions!

See demo, code

Custom context (this)

There is a modules that requires custom this, for example Bacon.js. And if you using jQuery as jQuery.noConflict(true) Bacon will "patch" global jQuery not yourjQuery made by jQuery.noConflict(true)... But there is a way to thange context of module!


    "modules": {
        "jQuery": {
            "path": "jquery.min.js",
            "exports": "jQuery.noConflict(true)"

        "bacon": {
            "path": "bacon.js",
            "bind": {
                "jQuery": "jQuery"
            "exports": "this.Bacon"

LMD builder will add extra wrapper to that module to change context of the function

function (require, module, exports) { // added by wrapper
return (function () {                 // added by wrapper

// 3-party module code

return this.Bacon;                    // added by wrapper
}).call({                             // added by wrapper
    "jQuery": require("jQuery")       // added by wrapper
});                                   // added by wrapper
}                                     // added by wrapper

Multi-path modules (jquery+plugins)

Sometimes you need to use your favorite lib with plugins. And "true" modular way when each plugin is module is not convinient - each plugin is dependent on main library and you have to keep order manually.

Eg. Doing this is not cool...

var $ = require('$');

Instead of doing that stuf, define module as multi-path module.

    "modules": {
        "jquery": {
            "path": ["vendors/fake_jquery.js", "vendors/fake_jquery-plugin3.js", "vendors/fake_jquery.*.js"],
            "exports": "jQuery"

        "backbone": ["vendors/backbone.js", "vendors/backbone.*.js"]

And have fun!

var $ = require('$');

You can use widcards and globbing to match multiply plugins.

IMPORTANT If you want to keep modules in exact order - list them manually. Globbed files may appear in random order depend on Node.js version and you OS File Sistem.