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Analytics and Code coverage

azproduction edited this page Jan 28, 2013 · 2 revisions

Application statistics. Require, load, eval, call statistics

  • Flag: stats

You can dump your application/package statistics to analise numbers: load+eval+call time and requires count

var $ = require('$');

// You can check one module statistics
require.async('module_shortcut', function (Module) { // module_shortcut: module.js
        name: 'module.js',
        initTime: 31, // init time: load+eval+call
        accessTimes: [10], // list of module access times, 10 ms from app start
        shortcuts: ['module_shortcut'] // list of shortcuts [optional]

// Or for example dump all application module statistics

// 1. Get usage stats
var stats = require.stats();
    "$": {
        name : "$",
        initTime: 0,
        accessTime: [3]
    'module.js': {
        name: 'module.js',
        initTime: 31, // init time: load+eval+call
        accessTimes: [10], // list of module access times, 10 ms from app start
        shortcuts: ['module_shortcut'] // list of shortcuts pointed to this module [optional]
    'module_shortcut': { // === same object as 'module.js'
        name: 'module.js',
        initTime: 31, // init time: load+eval+call
        accessTimes: [10], // list of module access times, 10 ms from app start
        shortcuts: ['module_shortcut'] // list of shortcuts pointed to this module [optional]

// 2. Push stats to server
$.post('/lmd-stats', JSON.stringify(stats));

// Or enable `stats_sendto` to post to stats server
require.stats.sendTo('http://localhost:8081'); // you may specify report_name too

Code Coverage

  • Flag: stats, stats_coverage, stats_sendto, stats_coverage_async, stats_auto

Add stats_coverage flag to your config file or use list of module names to cover only them. Rebuild your package. Now you can see coverage report in require.stats() object. See src/plugin/stats.js#L46 for more information.

You can enable stats_sendto flag to push your reports to the Stats Server. You can set stats_auto flag/property to enable automatic push your reports to specified Stats Server. stats_auto: true will automatically send your reports to 'http://' + location.hostname + ':8081' you may also define your own stats host url (eg stats_auto: "http://yourhost:12345") You may also enable stats_coverage_async to profile all your async modules without processing them on server. All async modules will be parsed and processed on client.

require.stats.sendTo('http://localhost:8081'); // you may specify report_name too

How it work

  1. LMD patches your source files with coverage functions
  2. User is running application and script executes coverage functions to calculate coverage
  3. Your source executes require.stats.sendTo(your_lmd_stats_server_server) and send report to the server
  4. Then you open Stats Server Admin interface to see reports


  • sandboxed module under CC will accept an object as require with coverage functions instead of undefined
  • stats_coverage_async is VERLY LARGE plugin +50Bb and it may take a LOT of time to parse and patch your sources

Stats server

Stats server provides simple coverage and usage reports

Prepare config

First you have to add this parameters to tour module config

    "www_root": "../../../",

Starting server

lmd server your_config

See CLI. See examples/demos/mock_chat for demo. Or examples/plugins/stats_coverage for real example.