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Others components API
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Others APIs

babia-ui component

This component lets us select the data and the metrics that we want to show in the targeted visualizer at any time.


Property Description Type Default value
target ID of the visualizer that will manage string -
hideRows Array of the rows that want to be hidden array -
hideFields Array of the fields that want to be hidden array -
showOnly Array of the fields that only want to show, format property:field, example: babia-ui="showOnly: height:field, color:otherfield" array -
maxPerRow Max items per row, if more, a breakline will be added number 5
linesSeparation Distance between lines of the UI number 0.3
customQuerierLabel Custom label of the first row when there are more than one querier string Data
customAttributeSwitch Atrributes to remove/add to the targer. Format attr:value, example: babia-ui="customAttributeSwitch: wireframe:true, color:blue" array -
customAttributeLabel Custom label for the attributes to represent in the customAttributeSwitch row. Format attr:label, example: babia-ui="customAttributeSwitch: trasnparency20byBuildingField:Transparency, wireframeByBuildingField:Wireframe" array -
    <a-entity babia-ui = 'target: visualizerid'></a-entity>

babia-lookat component

Based on

The look-at component defines the behavior for an entity to dynamically rotate or face towards another entity or position. The rotation of the entity will be updated on every tick. The look-at component can take either a vec3 position or a query selector to another entity.


Type Description
selector A query selector indicating another entity to track. If the other entity is moving then the look-at component will track the moving entity.
vec3 An XYZ coordinate. The entity will face towards a static position.
    <a-entity id="monster" geometry="primitive: box" material="src: url(monster.png)" look-at="[camera]"></a-entity>

babia-navigator component

The navigator component creates a timeline with all indexes of the selector component and lets manage it using player, speed, and step controllers.

To work needs to indicate it inside the selector

   <a-entity id="nav" babia-navigator></a-entity>


Property Description Type Default value
direction Direction of the time evolution (forward or rewind). If is empty or it gets a different value, it behaves like forward. Important: Do not set this value manually, it will be updated with the direction value of the selector via notiBuffer. string forward
state State of the time evolution (play or pause). If is empty or it gets a different value, it behaves like play. Important: Do not set this value manually, it will be updated with the state value of the selector via notiBuffer string play

babia-axis components

The axis components add axis to the graphs. It is currently available for babia-bars and babia-barsmap components.

babia-axis-x component

This component adds a x axis to the graph.


Property Description Type Default value
labels List of labels to show array -
ticks Points where labels are added in the axis array -
length Length of the axis number -
color Color for axis and labels color #000
palette Color palette for axis and labels:blues bussiness sunset. See more) Important: If the value is not None, it will disable color attribute. string ' '
animation Animates the axis if true boolean true
dur Duration of animation number 2000
align Sets the position of the labels related to the axis. It accepts the values right, left, front and behind string front
name Metric name to show on title label. string -
    <a-entity babia-axis-x = 'labels: countries, ticks: calculatedTicks, length: 10, palette: ubuntu,
    align: behind, name: country'></a-entity>

babia-axis-y component

This component adds a y axis to the graph.


Property Description Type Default value
maxValue Maximum value that this axis will show number -
length Length of the axis number -
minSteps Minimum number of steps number 6
color Color for axis and labels color #000
animation Animates the axis if true boolean true
dur Duration of animation number 2000
align Sets the position of the labels related to the axis. It accepts the values right, left, front and behind string front
name Metric name to show on title label. string -
    <a-entity babia-axis-y = 'maxValue: 250, length: 10, color: #fff,
    align: left'></a-entity>

babia-axis-z component

This component adds a z axis to the graph.


Property Description Type Default value
labels List of labels to show array -
ticks Points where labels are added in the axis array -
length Length of the axis number -
color Color for axis and labels color #000
palette Color palette for axis and labels. Important: If the value is not None, it will disable color attribute. string ' '
animation Animates the axis if true boolean true
dur Duration of animation number 2000
align Sets the position of the labels related to the axis. It accepts the values right, left, front and behind string front
name Metric name to show on title label. string -
    <a-entity babia-axis-z = 'labels: continents, ticks: calculatedTicks, length: 10, palette: pearl,
    align: front, name: continent'></a-entity>

babia-camera component

This component built the needed things related to the camera for changing between VR and On-Screen, it adds cursor components and inserts oculus controllers.


Property Description Type Default value
raycasterMouse Objects the raycaster can interact with string .babiaxraycasterclass
raycasterHand Objects the raycaster can interact with string .babiaxraycasterclass
tipsOpened Displays tips about hand controllers boolean true
triggerRLabel Action label for this button string Click
triggerLLabel Action label for this button string Teleport
gridRLabel Action label for this button string Open/Close Tips
grigLLabel Action label for this button string Stop Audio
teleportCollision Selector of the meshes used to check the collisions string .environmentGround
    <a-entity id="head" camera babia-camera="raycasterMouse: .babiaxraycasterclass, #audio_button; raycasterHand: .babiaxraycasterclass, #audio_button" look-controls wasd-controls="fly: false"></a-entity>

babia-range-selector component

This component uses the queryes component in order to change the time range in the query (only used in requests). It includes


Property Description Type Default value
defaultRange Default time range in the list, options: Last 5 years, Last 2 years, Last 1 year, Last 6 months, Last 90 days, Last 60 days, Last 30 days, Last 7 days, Last 24 hours, Last 12 hours, Last 4 hours, Last 1 hour, Last 30 minutes, Last 15 minutes string Last 1 year
    <!-- UI -->
    <a-entity id="interface" babia-range-selector position="3.376 1.072 -3.073" rotation="0 -90 0" scale="0.132 0.132 0.132"></a-entity>

babia-poster component

This component is a soft fork of aframe-dialog-component:

Property Description Default Value
title String containing title. New Dialog
titleColor Text color of title. black
titleFont Title font. mozillavr
titleWrapCount Title entity wrap count. 24
body String containing body. This dialog has no body yet.
bodyColor Text color of body. black
bodyFont Body font. mozillavr
bodyWrapCount Body entity wrap count. 30
openOn Open/Close event. click
active Turn dialog on/off. true
openIconImage Icon image for open button. None
openIconRadius Radius for open icon. 0.3
openIconColor Color for open icon. white
closeIconImage Icon image for open button. None
closeIconRadius Radius for close icon. 0.3
closeIconColor Color for close icon. white
image Path to Dialog hero image. None
imageWidth Dialog hero image width. 2
imageHeight Dialog hero image height. 2
dialogBoxWidth Dialog box width. 4
dialogBoxHeight Dialog box height. 4
dialogBoxColor Dialog box background color. white
dialogBoxPadding Dialog box padding. 0.2

babia-experiment component

We recomment to follow this tutorial for using this component

Property Description Type Default value
taskTitle Title of the task poster string Default task title
taskDescription Description of the task poster string Default task text
openTaskImg Img of the popup icon of the task poster string -
closeTaskImg Img of the popup icon of the task poster (for closing) string -
timeLimitEnding If the experiment last a defined time boolean false
timeLimitTime Time that the user has for conducting the experiment seconds 300
forceFinishWhenTimeLimit Force experiment finish when time hiding the charts and downloading the data boolean false
finishButton Button to finish the experiment boolean true
recordDelta Time delta for recording the position and rotation of the camera milliseconds 3000
recordAudio Record audio of the participant with the microphone boolean true
taskAudio If the task is defined by an audio boolean false
taskAudioUrl URL of the mp3 audio for defining the task string -
taskVideo If the task is defined by an video boolean false
taskVideoId ID of the asset with the video for defining the task string -
taskVideoWidth Width of the video panel boolean 3
taskVideoWidth Height of the video panel boolean 1.75
lookat What everything created by this component will follow in rotation string [camera]

babia-task component

We recomment to follow this tutorial for using this component

This component only works when using the babia-experiment component, as a child

Property Description Type Default value
taskTitle Title of the task poster string Default task title
taskDescription Description of the task poster string Default task text
openTaskImg Img of the popup icon of the task poster string -
closeTaskImg Img of the popup icon of the task poster (for closing) string -
taskAudio If the task is defined by an audio boolean false
taskAudioUrl URL of the mp3 audio for defining the task string -
taskVideo If the task is defined by an video boolean false
taskVideoId ID of the asset with the video for defining the task string -
taskVideoWidth Width of the video panel boolean 3
taskVideoWidth Height of the video panel boolean 1.75
offsetX Offset in the X axis for positioning the task (useful when more than one babia-task) number 0
lookat What everything created by this component will follow in rotation string [camera]

babia-html component

This component shows the DOM structure rendered in 3D

Property Description Type Default value
html HTML stringifyed to represent in 3D string ''
distanceLevels Distance between children levels float 0.7
renderHTML If you want to render as a texture the HTML of each item. **IMPORTANT: You need to add into your html the html2canvas dependency <script src=""></script> boolean false