a smart library of javascript template. it support syntax like for and if etc. you can use it in ie5+, chrome, firefox, opera, safair and mobile explorer.
- in your html, you just do like this
<script src="aTpl.min.js"></script>
- or you use requireJs
define(["aTpl"], function () {
// your code
- or maybe you use seaJs
<script src="../src/aTpl.js"></script>
<div id="demo"></div>
<script id="test" type="text/aTpl">
<div>负责人:{{ aTpl.name }}</div>
<div>性别:{{ aTpl.sex===1 ? '男': '女' }}</div>
<div>表达式:{{ 12/4 }}</div>
{{@ for(var i = 0, _l = aTpl.contact.length; i < _l; i++){ }}
{{@ if(aTpl.contact[i].name === '张三') { }}
<span>姓名:{{ aTpl.contact[i].name + '条件输出' }}</span>
<span>性别:{{ aTpl.contact[i].sex===1 ? '男': '女' }}</span>
{{@ } else { }}
<span>姓名:{{ aTpl.contact[i].name }}</span>
<span>城市:{{ aTpl.contact[i].sex===1 ? '男': '女' }}</span>
{{@ } }}
{{@ } }}
var data = {
name: '测试',
sex: 1,
contact: [{name: '张三', sex: 1},
{name: '李四', sex: 2}]
var temp = document.getElementById('test');
aTpl.template(temp).render(data, function(html){
document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = html;
set the open and end flag, example: aTpl.config({start: '{{', end: '}}'})
set template, your type must set 'text/aTpl'
render the data to the template
you can also use it with jQuery.
version: 1.0.0
- support for and if syntax.
- support config the start and end flag.
2016-04-17 - modify cache bug
- support the template of string