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Bakkeby edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 2 revisions
Function Expected argument Default keybinding
togglecompact N/A N/A

The togglecompact function is a combo function that is intended for small monitors and laptops to increase the available space by making the view more compact.

When entering compact view the following happens:

  • the BarPadding functionality is disabled
  • gaps are disabled for all workspaces
  • the bar border is removed (if present)

When exiting compact view the following happens:

  • the BarPadding functionality is enabled
  • gaps are enabled for all workspaces
  • the bar border is restored (if the BarBorder functionality is enabled)

The compact view state is derived from whether the BarPadding functionality is enabled or not.

There are no default keybindings for this function.

External command:

duskc run_command togglecompact  # toggle compact view on and off

Back to Functions > Bar.

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