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Releases: kube-logging/logging-operator


02 Jul 12:05
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Docker image

Install with helm

helm install logging-operator oci:// --version=4.8.0

What's Changed

New Features

This feature also introduces a new version of the fluentd image with the name: Please make sure to update your fluentd image if you have used a custom one!

Breaking Changes

  • fix(charts/logging-operator): Improve tailer (image, docs and helm cleanup) by @genofire in #1576

The above change affect users who have already used the hostTailer or eventTailer and configured it through the helm chart using logging.hostTailer or logging.eventTailer. Both components have an enabled flag now, that needs to be set to true, but also please check the original PR for the specifics!


  • syslogng: render go templates in metrics-probe label values by @orymate in #1756
  • fix: added missing log section inside system config by @pbdger in #1760
  • Add retry limit for tcp output by @pepov in #1767
  • feat(charts,logging-operator): add possibility to deploy extra manife… by @sebastiangaiser in #1768
  • fix(charts/logging-operator): Improve tailer (image, docs and helm cleanup) by @genofire in #1576

Dependency and image updates

Bug fixes

Other Changes

  • Remove obsolete config samples for multitenant workers by @pepov in #1764
  • chore: remove trace log setting from examples to avoid suggesting a bad practice by @pepov in #1769

Full Changelog: 4.7.0...4.8.0


03 Jun 14:40
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What's Changed

Breaking Changes

  • chore(fluentd): do not override fluentd's default buffer size by @OverOrion in #1729


Dependency and image updates

  • chore(deps): Bump from 24.0.7+incompatible to 24.0.9+incompatible in /e2e by @dependabot in #1705
  • deps: upgrade fluentbit to 2.2.2 by @aslafy-z in #1713
  • chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1701
  • chore(pkg): update AxoSyslog image to 4.7.0 by @MrAnno in #1722
  • chore(pkg): update AxoSyslog image to 4.7.1 by @MrAnno in #1725
  • chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1718

Bug fixes

  • add missing dnsconfig to configcheck pods as well by @pepov in #1715
  • fix(operator): remove invalid container runtime log message by @OverOrion in #1735
  • fix(syslog-ng-outputs): fix output fields where necessary by @kristofgyuracz in #1737



Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.6.0...4.7.0


06 Jun 14:25
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What's Changed


  • fluentbit: net.max_worker_connections by @pepov in #1750

Full Changelog: 4.6.1...4.6.2


29 May 09:04
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4.6.2-rc.0 Pre-release

What's Changed


  • fluentbit: net.max_worker_connections by @pepov in #1750

Full Changelog: 4.6.1...4.6.2-rc.0


28 May 07:53
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4.7.0-rc.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

Breaking Changes

  • chore(fluentd): do not override fluentd's default buffer size by @OverOrion in #1729


Dependency and image updates

  • chore(deps): Bump from 24.0.7+incompatible to 24.0.9+incompatible in /e2e by @dependabot in #1705
  • deps: upgrade fluentbit to 2.2.2 by @aslafy-z in #1713
  • chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1701
  • chore(pkg): update AxoSyslog image to 4.7.0 by @MrAnno in #1722
  • chore(pkg): update AxoSyslog image to 4.7.1 by @MrAnno in #1725
  • chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1718

Bug fixes

  • add missing dnsconfig to configcheck pods as well by @pepov in #1715
  • fix(operator): remove invalid container runtime log message by @OverOrion in #1735
  • fix(syslog-ng-outputs): fix output fields where necessary by @kristofgyuracz in #1737



Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.6.1...4.7.0-rc.0


22 May 15:11
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What's Changed


  • fluentbit: upgrade default image version to latest by @pepov in #1742

Full Changelog: 4.6.0...4.6.1


18 Mar 18:23
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What's Changed

New Features

  • feat: fluentbit hotreload by @aslafy-z in #1414
  • feat: add vmware log insight fluentd output by @logikone in #1681
  • Add support for VMware Log Intelligence by @zrobisho in #1685
  • feat: kubernetes namespace labels and annotations with fluent-bit 3.0 by @pepov in #1696

Removed feature

  • chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1627 - with upgrading to the next kubernetes version we also removed support for PSPs, although the API left intact


  • chore(chart): check CRDs available before installing ServiceMonitor by @cmontemuino in #1633
  • Enable using custom PVC without a template for the statefulset (for the buffer volume and also as extravolumes) by @bbyreddy in #1617
  • Enable using custom PVC without a template for the statefulset (for the buffer volume and also as extravolumes) (#1617) by @pepov in #1653
  • fix: default parsers conf location wrong on windows by @mweibel in #1656
  • Feat: add PodDisruptionBudget for fluentd by @yunkunrao in #1602
  • feat(charts,logging-operator): make configCheck configurable in loggi… by @sebastiangaiser in #1675
  • feat: expose event tailer metrics by @h4wkmoon in #1668
  • helm: allow eventtailer image override through chart by @SchutteJan in #1674
  • feat(fluentbit): add storage.delete_irrecoverable_chunks option by @aslafy-z in #1678
  • fix: pass complete security context to pods by @niklastreml in #1679
  • Isolate input sources to avoid backpressure affecting other tenants by @pepov in #1682
  • isolate input sources using fixed hash tag and backpressure by @pepov in #1688
  • [Output/Elasticsearch] Add template field by @tarokkk in #1690
  • chore: hide flow config in the logs by default by @pepov in #1700

Dependency and image updates

Bug fixes

  • fix(syslog-ng-loki-output): fix invalid tls options by @kristofgyuracz in #1634
  • Fix loggingroute notifications for changes in the logging resource status by @pepov in #1640
  • fix: add namespace filter when listing aggregator configs by @pepov in #1644
  • fix tenant aggregation detection by @pepov in #1661
  • fix: default parsers conf location wrong on windows by @mweibel in #1663
  • fix to make detached aggregators work when generating fluentbit tenants by @pepov in #1665
  • Fix fluentdconfig and syslogngconfig deletion by @OverOrion in #1672
  • fix: remove requeue after by @pepov in #1680


Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.5.2...4.6.0-rc.0


14 Mar 15:32
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4.6.0-rc.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Features

  • feat: fluentbit hotreload by @aslafy-z in #1414
  • feat: add vmware log insight fluentd output by @logikone in #1681
  • Add support for VMware Log Intelligence by @zrobisho in #1685
  • feat: kubernetes namespace labels and annotations with fluent-bit 3.0 by @pepov in #1696

Removed feature

  • chore(deps): update all dependencies by @renovate in #1627 - with upgrading to the next kubernetes version we also removed support for PSPs, although the API left intact


  • chore(chart): check CRDs available before installing ServiceMonitor by @cmontemuino in #1633
  • Enable using custom PVC without a template for the statefulset (for the buffer volume and also as extravolumes) by @bbyreddy in #1617
  • Enable using custom PVC without a template for the statefulset (for the buffer volume and also as extravolumes) (#1617) by @pepov in #1653
  • fix: default parsers conf location wrong on windows by @mweibel in #1656
  • Feat: add PodDisruptionBudget for fluentd by @yunkunrao in #1602
  • feat(charts,logging-operator): make configCheck configurable in loggi… by @sebastiangaiser in #1675
  • feat: expose event tailer metrics by @h4wkmoon in #1668
  • helm: allow eventtailer image override through chart by @SchutteJan in #1674
  • feat(fluentbit): add storage.delete_irrecoverable_chunks option by @aslafy-z in #1678
  • fix: pass complete security context to pods by @niklastreml in #1679
  • Isolate input sources to avoid backpressure affecting other tenants by @pepov in #1682
  • isolate input sources using fixed hash tag and backpressure by @pepov in #1688
  • [Output/Elasticsearch] Add template field by @tarokkk in #1690
  • chore: hide flow config in the logs by default by @pepov in #1700

Dependency and image updates

Bug fixes

  • fix(syslog-ng-loki-output): fix invalid tls options by @kristofgyuracz in #1634
  • Fix loggingroute notifications for changes in the logging resource status by @pepov in #1640
  • fix: add namespace filter when listing aggregator configs by @pepov in #1644
  • fix tenant aggregation detection by @pepov in #1661
  • fix: default parsers conf location wrong on windows by @mweibel in #1663
  • fix to make detached aggregators work when generating fluentbit tenants by @pepov in #1665
  • Fix fluentdconfig and syslogngconfig deletion by @OverOrion in #1672
  • fix: remove requeue after by @pepov in #1680


Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.5.2...4.6.0-rc.0


04 Mar 14:23
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4.5.7-rc.2 Pre-release

What's Changed

Other Changes

  • isolate input sources using fixed hash tag and backpressure by @pepov in #1688

Full Changelog: 4.5.7-rc.0...4.5.7-rc.2


28 Feb 21:05
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4.5.7-rc.0 Pre-release

What's Changed


Bug fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.5.6...4.5.7-rc.0