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A simple API that can generate various types of hexagon grids - returns GeoJSON data or load into PostGIS with performant JDBC.


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Hexagon Grid System

License Repo Size Release spark-core postgresql

Screenshot 2023-07-08 at 6 36 16 PM Hexagon Grid generated at Vincom Dong Khoi, Ho Chi Minh City (circumradius: 5000 meters)


Hexagon Grid System is an API that can generate several forms of a hexagonal grid using 02 primary parameter types: geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) and a hexagon's radius (meters).

Notes: all hexagons generated are regular hexagons.

Currently, it supports the following grid types:

  1. Hexagon - a single hexagon.
  2. Neighbors - a hexagon and its 6 nearest neighbors (a group of 7 hexagons).
  3. Tessellation - a tiling of hexagons over a geographic boundary without gaps or overlaps.

The API can return geospatial data in GeoJSON (RFC 7946) format or save the generated hexagons' data directly into a PostgreSQL database in (geometries) data formats (supported by PostGIS) using JDBC.

The generated grid then can be used for various purposes in geospatial computing such as visualizations, analytics, or data aggregation.

Main Concepts

Cube Coordinate Index (CCI)

The CubeCoordinatesIndex concept was borrowed from Red Blob Game's - Cube Coordinates concept.

Basically, it divides a hexagonal grid into 3 primary axes (q, r, s) and assigns an unique index (CCI) for each hexagon based on its relative position on the generated hexagonal grid.


  1. Each direction on the hexagonal grid is a combination of two directions on the cube grid. For example, north on the hex grid lies between the +s and -r, so every step north involves adding 1 to s and subtracting 1 from r.

    Cube Coordinates - Directions

  2. q + r + s = 0 - the constraint of this algorithm to preserve its geometric property.


A regular hexagons is a polygon with 6 equal-length edges (or sides) and six vertices (corners).

side is equal to the circumradius of the hexagon.

The class Hexagon contains properties that store geometric and location information of a hexagon. Some of the important properties are:

  • centroid: the center of the hexagon, which represents a pair of WGS84 coordinates (longitude, latitude).
  • circumradius: the radius of the circumcircle, which is the radius of the circle that passes through all of the vertices of the hexagon.
  • inradius: the radius of the incircle, which is the radius of the circle that is tangent to each of the sides of the hexagon. & vertices: the 6 vertices (Coordinates) of the hexagon.
  • CCI: the Cube Coordinates Index of the hexagon in the grid system defined by CubeCoordinatesIndex class.


Given a hexagon, which are the immediate 6 hexagons that neighboring it?

The answer is the 6 hexagons that share an edge with it.

The class Neighbors represent a group of 7 adjacent regular hexagons - the center hexagon (origin) and its 6 nearest neighbors.

Tessellation (regular)

A tessellation is the covering (or tiling) of a surface (often a plane) using one or more geometric shapes with no overlaps and no gaps.

In grid systems, the type of tessellation being used is Regular Tessellation - a highly symmetric tessellation made up of congruent (exact equal in shape and size) regular polygons. Mathematically, there are only 3 regular tessellations - made up of regular triangles, squares, or hexagons.

In Hexagon Grid System, we use regular tessellation to tile over a specified geographic Boundary - a bounding box of a geometry (or geographic) entity.

Sample Boundary structure in hexagon-grid-system

    "boundary": {
        "minLatitude": 10.8163465,
        "minLongitude": 106.661921,
        "maxLatitude": 10.731605,
        "maxLongitude": 106.725970


The tessellation algorithm in Hexagon Grid System is called CornerEdgeTessellation, which breaks down the hexagonal grid into 3 important components that can be used as parameters for the tessellation algorithm: Corner, Edge, and Rings.

Rings are the "hollow-rings" of hexagons wrapped around the center hexagon of the grid (the origin) to form a tessellation. The rings are used to calculate & define the extent of the hexagon grid that is required to fully cover a specific boundary (based on its coverage distance in meters).

Next, the algorithm relies on the linear relationship between the Corner and the Edge - with respects to the current Ring of the tessellation. Basically, the tessellation is being generated by filling up the grid iteratively - one Ring at a time.

For each Ring of the tessellation, the algorithm will:

  1. Generate 6 Corner hexagons
  2. Calculate the required number (n) of Edge hexagons - to fill up between 2 Corner hexagons
  3. Generate n Edge hexagons (to form a complete Ring)

Tessellation - Corner & Edge

More details are explained in the source code of the CornerEdgeTessellation class.


Set up environment variables (optional)

This is only required when you want to save Tessellation data into your PostgreSQL database (using the endpoint /database/tessellation).

To set up your environment variables, create a .env file in the root directory (../hexagongrid) of the project and add the following variables:


Install the project using Maven

In the root directory (../hexagongrid) of the project, run the following commands to build the project:

  1. Clean the /target directory, build the project, package it into a JAR file, and install the JAR file into your local Maven repository

    mvn clean package && mvn clean install
  2. Run hexagon-grid-system

    java -cp target/hexagongrid-1.1.3.jar com.geospatial.hexagongrid.Api

API endpoints

Hexagon Grid System is currently being implemented as a simple API that can be used to generate hexagon grid data in GeoJSON format. You can configure your hexagonal grid in the form of a request payload.

To quickly visualize the generated hexagonal grid, copy the GeoJSON from the API's response and paste it to



    "latitude": 10.7745419,
    "longitude": 106.7018471,
    "radius": 250


The JSON is prettified to help you visualize the GeoJSON structure of a single hexagon.

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
            "type": "Feature",
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Polygon",
                "coordinates": [
            "properties": {
                "ccid": {
                    "q": 0,
                    "r": 0,
                    "s": 0
                "centroid": {
                    "longitude": 106.7018471,
                    "latitude": 10.7745419
                "circumradius": 250.0,
                "inradius": 216.50635094610965



    "latitude": 10.7745419,
    "longitude": 106.7018471,
    "radius": 250


JSON is compacted to reduce file size.




    "latitude": 10.7755,
    "longitude": 106.7021,
    "radius": 5000,
    "boundary": {
        "minLatitude": 10.8163465,
        "minLongitude": 106.661921,
        "maxLatitude": 10.731605,
        "maxLongitude": 106.725970


JSON is compacted to reduce file size.




    "administrativeName": "hexagongrid_local_test",
    "latitude": 10.7755,
    "longitude": 106.7021,
    "radius": 1000,
    "boundary": {
        "minLatitude": 11.176299,
        "minLongitude": 106.322334,
        "maxLatitude": 10.391811,
        "maxLongitude": 107.036011


    "createTessellationTable": {
        "status": "SUCCESS"
    "batchInsertTessellation": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "message": {
            "tableName": "hexagongrid_local_test_tessellation_1000m",
            "totalHexagons": 5419,
            "totalBatchExecutions": 2,
            "elapsedSeconds": 0.672,
            "rowsPerBatch": 5000,
            "rowsInserted": 5419
    "addPrimaryKeyIfNotExists": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "message": "PRIMARY KEY 'hexagongrid_local_test_tessellation_1000m_pkey' added to table 'hexagongrid_local_test_tessellation_1000m'."

Database schema (PostGIS)

PostGIS extends the capabilities of the PostgreSQL relational database by adding support storing, indexing and querying geographic data.

Below is the current schema implementation of Tessellation tables generated from the endpoint /database/tessellation.


        ccid_q          integer                 NOT NULL,
        ccid_r          integer                 NOT NULL,
        ccid_s          integer                 NOT NULL,
        circumradius    float8                  NOT NULL,
        centroid        geometry(POINT, 4326)   NOT NULL,
        geometry        geometry(POLYGON, 4326) NOT NULL


ccid_q ccid_r ccid_s circumradius centroid geometry
0 0 0 1000 0101000020E610000062A1D634EFAC5A40931804560E8D2540 0103000020E61000000100000007000000032CCD9DA5AC5A407CDDA9A412892540C116E0CB38AD5A407CDDA9A412892540218CE96282AD5A40931804560E8D2540C116E0CB38AD5A40AA535E070A912540032CCD9DA5AC5A40AA535E070A912540A3B6C3065CAC5A40931804560E8D2540032CCD9DA5AC5A407CDDA9A412892540
0 -1 1 1000 0101000020E610000062A1D634EFAC5A4064A24FF316852540 0103000020E61000000100000007000000032CCD9DA5AC5A404D67F5411B812540C116E0CB38AD5A404D67F5411B812540218CE96282AD5A4064A24FF316852540C116E0CB38AD5A407BDDA9A412892540032CCD9DA5AC5A407BDDA9A412892540A3B6C3065CAC5A4064A24FF316852540032CCD9DA5AC5A404D67F5411B812540
1 -1 0 1000 0101000020E61000008001F3F9CBAD5A407CDDA9A412892540 0103000020E61000000100000007000000218CE96282AD5A4065A24FF316852540DF76FC9015AE5A4065A24FF3168525403FEC05285FAE5A407CDDA9A412892540DF76FC9015AE5A40931804560E8D2540218CE96282AD5A40931804560E8D2540C116E0CB38AD5A407CDDA9A412892540218CE96282AD5A4065A24FF316852540
1 0 -1 1000 0101000020E61000008001F3F9CBAD5A40AA535E070A912540 0103000020E61000000100000007000000218CE96282AD5A40931804560E8D2540DF76FC9015AE5A40931804560E8D25403FEC05285FAE5A40AA535E070A912540DF76FC9015AE5A40C18EB8B805952540218CE96282AD5A40C18EB8B805952540C116E0CB38AD5A40AA535E070A912540218CE96282AD5A40931804560E8D2540

You can convert geometry columns to the WKT format using PostGIS's spatial function ST_AsText

ccid_q ccid_r ccid_s centroid_wkt geometry_wkt
0 0 0 POINT(106.7021 10.7755) POLYGON((106.69760842357941 10.767720361457343,106.70659157642059 10.767720361457343,106.7110831528412 10.7755,106.70659157642059 10.783279638542655,106.69760842357941 10.783279638542655,106.6931168471588 10.7755,106.69760842357941 10.767720361457343))
0 -1 1 POINT(106.7021 10.759940722914685) POLYGON((106.69760842357941 10.752161084372029,106.70659157642059 10.752161084372029,106.7110831528412 10.759940722914685,106.70659157642059 10.767720361457341,106.69760842357941 10.767720361457341,106.6931168471588 10.759940722914685,106.69760842357941 10.752161084372029))
1 -1 0 POINT(106.71557472926179 10.767720361457343) POLYGON((106.7110831528412 10.759940722914687,106.72006630568238 10.759940722914687,106.72455788210299 10.767720361457343,106.72006630568238 10.7755,106.7110831528412 10.7755,106.70659157642059 10.767720361457343,106.7110831528412 10.759940722914687))
1 0 -1 POINT(106.71557472926179 10.783279638542655) POLYGON((106.7110831528412 10.7755,106.72006630568238 10.7755,106.72455788210299 10.783279638542655,106.72006630568238 10.791059277085312,106.7110831528412 10.791059277085312,106.70659157642059 10.783279638542655,106.7110831528412 10.7755))