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Flap Runner

Flap Runner - is job runner service with simple REST web API.

Currently only linux is supported.

Docker image tags

Each tag is created from corresponding python image tag, e.g. baterflyrity/flaprunner:3.11 is based on python:3.11.

Additionally *-docker tags contain preinstalled docker client ready to mount to host's docker engine (see below).

All latest tags are equivalents of corresponding most recent version tags, e.g. baterflyrity/flaprunner:latest is based on baterflyrity/flaprunner:3.11 assuming versions 3.12, 4.0, e.t.c. do not exist. Latest images do not base on python:latest.


With docker compose

  1. Install docker.
  2. Create projects registry directory and cd to it (e.g. mkdir flaprunner && cd flaprunner).
  3. Create file docker-compose.yaml and insert content below:
    restart: always
    image: baterflyrity/flaprunner
      - 39393:39393

      - .:/projects

Alternatively download default one: curl > docker-compose.yaml.

  1. Start compose file with docker compose up -d.

With docker container

  1. Follow step 1-2 from above.
  2. Run docker container: docker run -d --name flaprunner -v .:/projects -p 39393:39393 baterflyrity/flaprunner

With python from sources

  1. Install python 3.11: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3.11. Alternatively install python from sources: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wget && wget -qO - | sudo bash -s 3.11.3.
  2. Get Flap Runner sources: git clone
  3. Install required python packages: python3.11 -m pip install -r flaprunner/sources/requirements.txt.
  4. Run and mount registry directory: python3.11 flaprunner/sources/ --projetcs "/path/to/registry/directory" (--help option is supported too).


  1. Create projects (subdirectories) in registry directory.
  2. Create jobs in project. Each job is an /.flaprunner/.sh* file.
  3. Call API /run// endpoint like curl http://localhost:39393/run/<project>/<job>.

Each job is executed with /bin/sh from project's root directory.


  • Simple case is to create git repository with predefined jobs, then clone it to Flap Runner service. Additionally defining git pull job is a good idea.
  • A logging job can be defined as echo "cat log.txt" > ./.flaprunner/ and then executed via curl http://localhost:39393/run/<project>/log.
  • GET query parameter timeout can be set as seconds in float. By default, timeout is set top 1 hour (3600).

Print layout of project

In this simple example we crate one project called my_project inside projects registry directory called registry. Then we define a job called layout which prints project's structure.

mkdir registry
mkdir registry/my_project
mkdir registry/my_project/.flaprunner
echo "ls -a1R" > registry/my_project/.flaprunner/

Now we start Flap Runner, mount registry directory and request job execution.

docker run -d --name flaprunner -v registry:/projects -p 39393:39393 baterflyrity/flaprunner
curl http://localhost:39393/run/my_project/layout

Print results:



Access docker inside Flap Runner container

This example demonstrates dind (docker in docker) alternative assuming host docker daemon is used. We are going to build docker image with a job.

Consider docker settings are inherited from host.

  1. Mount host daemon volume.

Change startup command (see Installation) to docker run -d --name flaprunner -v .:/projects -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 39393:39393 baterflyrity/flaprunner:latest-docker or docker-compose.yaml file to:

    restart: always
    image: baterflyrity/flaprunner:latest-docker
      - 39393:39393

      - .:/projects
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock 

Alternatively download default one: curl > docker-compose.yaml.

  1. Build (or use anyway) docker image with job .flaprunner/
docker version
docker info

echo "Building..."
docker pull ubuntu
docker image tag ubuntu myfirstimage

echo "Done. See image myfirstimage."
  1. Don not remember to actually run job.
curl http://localhost:39393/run/<project>/docker-build