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Daria-Maltseva edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 9 revisions

Bibliographic Coupling - Jaccard for Jornals

Chapter 2 - p.56
Play macro BiCon.mcr
Number of nodes - 70792

C = n(WA)T * S * n(WA)
Jaccard - 0.1 line cut
size stays the same, do not delete isolates

1st try

WJsr - norm2 (70792) Transpose
Jaccard 1-mode to 2-mode
Multiply (split the following valus /2 - this is 2-mode Jaccard obtained from 1-mode. So, the amount of the lines in this cut Jaccard net is 10.616.820

Info on 2-Mode Network 6. 2-Mode Network obtained from N2 (141584)
Number of vertices (n): 141584
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1              0         135524
Number of lines with value#1              0       21098116
Total number of lines                     0       21.233.640
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0
2-Mode Network: Rows=70792, Cols=70792
Density [2-Mode] = 0.00423698
Average Degree = 299.94406148
Multiplying networks
 Lines around vertices in input networks sorted in ascending order.
 Sorting lines........   9.42% finished. Time spent: 0:00:53
 Sorting lines........  18.84% finished. Time spent: 0:02:38
 Sorting lines........  28.26% finished. Time spent: 0:04:35
 Sorting lines........  37.68% finished. Time spent: 0:06:52
 Sorting lines........  47.10% finished. Time spent: 0:10:52
 Sorting lines........  56.51% finished. Time spent: 0:15:26
 Sorting lines........  65.93% finished. Time spent: 0:21:21
 Sorting lines........  75.35% finished. Time spent: 0:26:39
 Sorting lines........  84.77% finished. Time spent: 0:32:39
 Sorting lines........  94.19% finished. Time spent: 0:40:38
 Sorting lines........ 100.00% finished. Time spent: 0:47:06
 Sorting lines........ 100.00% finished. Time spent: 0:00:00
  100.00% finished.
 Time spent:  0:47:34
Multiplying networks
 Lines around vertices in input networks sorted in ascending order.
 Sorting lines........ 100.00% finished. Time spent: 0:00:00
 Sorting lines........  18.29% finished. Time spent: 0:05:24
 Sorting lines........  36.59% finished. Time spent: 0:10:11
 Sorting lines........  54.88% finished. Time spent: 0:15:01
 Sorting lines........  73.17% finished. Time spent: 0:19:23
 Sorting lines........  91.46% finished. Time spent: 0:24:34
 Sorting lines........ 100.00% finished. Time spent: 0:26:51
  100.00% finished.
 Time spent:  0:38:42

Multiplied netw - Arcs to Edges (Bidirectional only - sum) Save Delete loops
Cut at the level 300 for arcs (600 for edges)

18. C:\Mail.Ru Cloud\ANR HSE\ANR Projects\SNA Vlado Batagelj\Final\September 2018\Jaccard\JaccardJour(1).net (8943)
Number of vertices (n): 8943
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1             36          32316
Number of lines with value#1           1928        2140279
Total number of lines                  1964        2.172.595
Number of loops                        1964              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density [loops allowed] = 0.05435488
Average Degree = 486.31533043

Got the network of 34 nodes
Multiply by 0.01

2nd try

same but
Jaccard - Cut at the level 0.2 Multiply Cut 200

3rd try * (was chosen)

same but Jaccard - Cut at the level 0.085

2. Removed lines with values lower than 0.0850 in N1 (70792)
Number of vertices (n): 70792
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1              0          67762
Number of lines with value#1              0       13140689
Total number of lines                     0       13.208.451
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0


  • size of initial network?
    Cut at 500, 550
    600 *
17. C:\Mail.Ru Cloud\ANR HSE\ANR Projects\SNA Vlado Batagelj\Final\September 2018\Jaccard\JaccardJour(3).net (8943)
Number of vertices (n): 8943
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1             34          30228
Number of lines with value#1           2009        2452059
Total number of lines                  2043        2.482.287
Number of loops                        2043              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0
Density [loops allowed] = 0.06210037
Average Degree = 555.59208319

all saved at SNA Vlado Batagelj\Final\September 2018\Jaccard

Bibliographic Coupling - Jaccard for Authors

Jaccard - Cut at the level 0.085

70.792 nodes and 13.208.451 lines 

Result of multiplication:

8. Multiplying N7 * N5 [1-Mode] (93011)
Number of vertices (n): 93011
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1           6933              0
Number of lines with value#1      127213310              0
Total number of lines             127220243              0
Number of loops                       14131              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0
Density [loops allowed] = 0.01470576
Average Degree = 2735.59563923

Cut at 2.5 Got the network of 1162 nodes

10. Extracting N9 according to C2 [1-*] (1162)
Number of vertices (n): 1162
                                       Arcs          Edges
Number of lines with value=1              0              0
Number of lines with value#1           9926              0
Total number of lines                  9926              0
Number of loops                         402              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0
Density [loops allowed] = 0.00735126
Average Degree = 17.08433735

Line islands - 9, 123 nodes

6. Islands [Line Weights] in N12 [5,40] (1162, Islands=9)
Dimension: 1162
The lowest value:  0
The highest value: 9

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0      1039   89.4148      1039   89.4148 #GRANOVET_M
         1        10    0.8606      1049   90.2754 SMITH_A
         2        11    0.9466      1060   91.2220 WHITE_R
         3         7    0.6024      1067   91.8244 KRAUSE_J
         4        12    1.0327      1079   92.8571 COHEN_S
         5         5    0.4303      1084   93.2874 MOOS_R
         6        10    0.8606      1094   94.1480 KASKI_K
         7        11    0.9466      1105   95.0947 WASSERMA_S
         8        17    1.4630      1122   96.5577 BORGATTI_S
         9        40    3.4423      1162  100.0000 WANG_B
       Sum      1162  100.0000

Line cut (25) - 62 nodes