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Daria-Maltseva edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 2 revisions


WA Indegree - N of works author wrote

WAbm -- Indegree
WAl -- Indegree

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/SNA Vlado Batagelj/Comparison/Analyses/WAbm")
d <- read.csv("./WAbm_indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t <- table(d)
x <- as.numeric(names(t))
yt <- c(0,500,1000,5000,10000, 30000); yl <- c("0","500","1000","5000","10000", "30000")
plot(x,t,log="xy",pch=16,col='red', cex=0.9,xlab='freq',ylab='N of authors', main="WA indegree - Log")
axis(side=2,at=yt, labels=yl)

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/SNA Vlado Batagelj/Comparison/Analyses/WAl")
d1 <- read.csv("./WAl_Indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t1 <- table(d1)
x1 <- as.numeric(names(t1))
points(x1,t1,log="xy", cex=0.9,pch=16, col='blue')
       legend = c("SNA", "SNS"), 
       col = c('red', 'blue'), 
       pch = c(16,16), 
       bty = "n", 
       pt.cex = 2, 
       cex = 0.9, 
       text.col = "black", 
       horiz = F , 
       #inset = c(0.1, 0.1)

WA Outdegree - N of authors per works

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/SNA Vlado Batagelj/Comparison/Analyses/WAl")
d6 <- read.csv("./WAl_Outdegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t6 <- table(d6)
x6 <- as.numeric(names(t6))
yt <- c(0,1000,5000,8000); yl <- c("0","1000","5000", "8000")
plot(x6,t6,log="xy",pch=16,col='blue', cex=1,xlab='N of authors',ylab='N of works', main="WA outdegree - Log")
axis(side=2,at=yt, labels=yl)

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/SNA Vlado Batagelj/Comparison/Analyses/WAbm")
d5 <- read.csv("./WAbm_Outdegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t5 <- table(d5)
x5 <- as.numeric(names(t5))
points(x5,t5,log="xy", cex=1,pch=16, col='red')
       legend = c("SNS", "SNA"), 
       col = c('blue', 'red'), 
       pch = c(16,16), 
       bty = "n", 
       pt.cex = 2, 
       cex = 0.9, 
       text.col = "black", 
       horiz = F , 
       #inset = c(0.1, 0.1)

WK Indegree - N of works described by a keyword

WKbm -- Indegree
WKl (SNS(1)) -- Indegree
WKls (SNS(2)) -- Indegree

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/SNA Vlado Batagelj/Comparison/Analyses/WKbm")
d <- read.csv("./WKbm_indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t <- table(d)
x <- as.numeric(names(t))
plot(x,t,log="xy",pch=16,col='red', cex=0.9,xlab='freq',ylab='N of keywords', main="WK indegree - Log")

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/SNA Vlado Batagelj/Comparison/Analyses/Wkl")
d1 <- read.csv("./WKl_indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t1 <- table(d1)
x1 <- as.numeric(names(t1))
points(x1,t1,log="xy", cex=0.9,pch=16, col='blue')

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/SNA Vlado Batagelj/Comparison/Analyses/WKls")
d2 <- read.csv("./WKls_Indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t2 <- table(d2)
x2 <- as.numeric(names(t2))
points(x2,t2,log="xy", cex=0.9,pch=16, col='black')

       legend = c("SNA", "SNS(1)", "SNS(2)"), 
       col = c('red', 'blue', "black"), 
       pch = c(16,16), 
       bty = "n", 
       pt.cex = 2, 
       cex = 0.9, 
       text.col = "black", 
       horiz = F , 
       #inset = c(0.1, 0.1)