Jersey2-server library for authenticating HMAC requests on a server.
For org.glassfish.jersey
Modify Jersey resource methods to include a principal annotated with @HmacAuth
public class PizzaResource {
public String get(@HmacAuth Principal principal) {
// This gets control only if the request is authenticated.
// The principal identifies the API caller (and can be of any type you want).
Implement an authenticator to authenticate requests:
public class MyAuthenticator extends AbstractCachingAuthenticator<Principal> {
// some code is intentionally missing
protected Principal loadPrincipal(Credentials credentials) {
// return the principal identified by the credentials from the API request
protected String getSecretKeyFromPrincipal(Principal principal) {
// return the secret key for the given principal
Register the authenticator with Jersey.
public class PizzaApplication<P> extends ResourceConfig {
public PizzaApplication() {
// register the Feature that will tell Jersey to process the @HmacAuth annotations
// specify your principal type here
register(new HmacAuthFeature<String>());
// tell Jersey about your custom Authenticator
register(new AbstractBinder() {
protected void configure() {
// The P parameter is to trick HK2 into injecting the Authenticator where it is needed.
bind(PizzaAuthenticator.class).to(new TypeLiteral<Authenticator<P>>() {});
// register your resources