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Guide to Application Review for CIIP Analysts

Kristen Cooke edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 1 revision

Application Review

Once submitted by the applicant, an application can be accessed from the list of Submitted Applications via the dashboard for review.

The review menu at the top of the page lists each review step that must be completed before a decision or change request can be made. Below, a summary of passed and failed automated validation checks draws reviewers' attention to potential items of concern. Click "See all validation details" to expand the complete list of passed and failed checks.

Review menu

Starting a review

Select a step in the review menu to open the review interface in the sidebar, and click "New Comment" to add comments to the selected review.

You can check "Visible for internal use only" to ensure a comment will not be visible to the applicant, or leave it unchecked by default to leave a comment addressed to the applicant. Review comments will only become visible to the applicant once you make an application decision or request changes.

Review sidebar Add new comment to review

Completing the review

When you have sufficiently created or resolved any review comments necessary for each step, mark that review step completed. Ensure any unresolved comments are ones you want the applicant to see (or in the case of internal comments, that they remain outstanding).

Marking a review step completed is reversible before a decision or change request is made. You can update a review to add, delete or resolve comments simply by marking the corresponding review step as incomplete again.

Mark review step completed

Making a decision

When you're ready to make a decision or request changes, ensure all review steps are marked completed. The review menu option to "Make a decision or request changes" will then be enabled and highlighted.

All review steps completed, ready to make a decision Make a decision

After the decision

Once you make a decision, the applicant is immediately notified by email and they will be able to see any unresolved comments made by reviewers explaining the decision or requested changes. The applicant will not be able to see internal comments, or comments that have been resolved.

Changes requested

Re-submission of revised applications

As many times as is required, an application may be revised by the applicant and re-submitted for another round of review each time changes are requested.

Reverting a decision (CIIP adminstrators only)

Ideally, due process prevents the potential situation where a decision needs to be reversed. However a decision may be reverted by a CIIP administrator if that becomes necessary by clicking "Change decision" next to the decision. This will mark the review as incomplete once more, providing an opportunity to update the review comments before completing review and making another decision.

Note: If changes were requested and the applicant has already begun to draft a new revision, this decision cannot be changed until the new draft is submitted for re-review.