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Closed Aug 13, 2016 100% complete

This release / sprint was extended from its original Aug 2 due date to Aug 13th.

The original release date could not be met due to delays associated with the 1.3.1 patch and complications associated with code changes to : geoview extension code, and problems with resource views recline_map_view plugin.

Other spints will be adjusted to reflect this extensi…

This release / sprint was extended from its original Aug 2 due date to Aug 13th.

The original release date could not be met due to delays associated with the 1.3.1 patch and complications associated with code changes to : geoview extension code, and problems with resource views recline_map_view plugin.

Other spints will be adjusted to reflect this extension - with the 1.5.0 sprint commencing Aug 15.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.