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HU DONG edited this page Jul 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

This file is used to generate housing units by parcel, households and population by census blockgroups within the City's limit.

To convert the housing units to households, the following conversion factors are used.

  • sf_occupancy_rate = 0.952
  • mf_occupancy_rate = 0.895
  • avg_persons_per_sfhh = 2.82
  • avg_persons_per_mfhh = 2.03

Input Files


Its format can be found here


This file includes houseing units estimate by parcel. It can be all King County parcels, or BKR parcels. At minimum all Bellevue parcels should be included. This file is an output file from . The format of this file can be found here.


If it is for a base year, this file includes OFM estimate of number of households and people by blockgroup, and can be downloaded directly from OFM website. If it is for a future year, we can create this file by interpolating from base year and a future year PSRC synthetic population. will do the work for you.

Attribute Description Value
GEOID10 census block group ID
OFM_hhs OFM estimated number of households in this blockgroup
OFM_persons OFM estimated number of people in this blockgroup
OFM_groupquarters OFM estimated number of people in groupquarters group quarters are not included in OFM_persons

Output Files


Attribute Description Value
GEOID10 census block group ID
SFUnits number of single family housing units in this blockgroup
MFUnits number of multi-family housing units in this blockgroup
SF number of single family households in this blockgroup
MF number of multi-family households in this blockgroup
Total_New_hhs total number of households in this blockgroup
Total_New_Persons total number of people in this blockgroup
OFM_hhs OFM estimated number of households in this blockgroup
OFM_persons OFM estimated number of people in this blockgroup


Attribute Description Value
SFUnits number of single family housing units in the parcel
MFUnits number of multi-family housing units in the parcel