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HU DONG edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 3 revisions

This file is used to do the following tasks by factoring up appropriate files by annual growth rate:

  1. update external productions and attractions, and
  2. update land use file in trip model format.

Input Variables

Variable Names Description Value
annual_growth_rate Annual growth rate for externals Ps and As value given by PSRC
original_year Starting year
target_year The target year for updated output files

Job growth is compound.

Input Files

Input Files Filename Source
external_file inputs\supplemental\generation\external-2014.csv from 2014 base year model
landuse_file inputs\supplemental\generation\landuse\tazdata_2014.csv from 2014 base year model
updated_hhs hh_summary_by_taz.csv

external_file format

This is the external file used in a base year model. It includes production and attraction for external-external trips. Click here for file format.

landuse_file format

The first 100 columns are all placeholders (all zeros). Description of column 101 ~ 125 can be found here.

updated_hhs format

Column Description Value
hhtaz BKRCast TAZ
total_hhs Total hhs in a TAZ
total_persons Total persons in a TAZ

new_jobs_file format

Column Description Value
EMPEDU_P Edu jobs in a TAZ
EMPFOO_P Food jobs in a TAZ
EMPGOV_P Government jobs in a TAZ
EMPIND_P Industrial jobs in a TAZ
EMPMED_P Medical jobs in a TAZ
EMPOFC_P Office jobs in a TAZ
EMPOTH_P Other jobs in a TAZ
EMPRET_P Retail jobs in a TAZ
EMPSVC_P Service jobs in a TAZ
EMPTOT_P Total jobs in a TAZ
HH_P Total hhs in a TAZ

Output Files

Input Files Filename To Notes
external_output_file inputs\supplemental\generation\externals.csv default_name = externals.csv
updated_landuse_file inputs\supplemental\generation\landuse\ default_name =


This is the updated externals.csv that will be used in supplemental module. Click here for file format.


This is the updated 4K land use file This file is used in supplemental module to calculate EI/IE trips. File format can be found here.