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HU DONG edited this page Jul 22, 2021 · 7 revisions

This script assigns synthesized households to parcels. Two algorithms are available for allocating households to parcels. If no housing units estimate from local jurisdiction, use assign_hhs_to_parcels_by_blkgrp(), otherwise use assign_hhs_parcels_by_local_estimate().

Algorithm 1: assign_hhs_to_parcels_by_blkgrp()

If households by blockgroup (from populationsim) are derived from source other than local estimate, assign_hhs_to_parcels_by_blkgrp() is the appropriate algorithm to use. The source are:
* OFM SAEP program
* PSRC's synthetic population hhs_and_persons.h5

In general, households are assigned to parcels in proportion to 2014 housing units.
Household allocation method (by priority):
1. one household goes to each single family parcel.
2. the remainning households go to multiple family parcel following the proportion given in parcel data.
3. the remaining hhs go to mixed use parcels and vacant parcels.
4. Make SF parcels to MF
5. evenly assign remaining to all parcels.

Algorithm 2: assign_hhs_parcels_by_local_estimate()

If housing units are eastimated by a local jurisdiction, this is the algorithm to use. Local estimate knows exactly where the SF Units and MF units are located and how many. Therefore the algorithm will match the number of units and locations to the maximum extent.

The priority is observed below:
1. Fill all SF Units with single families (from synthetic households). If necesssary, use multi-families to fill SFUnits.
2. Fill MFunits with multi-families (from synthetic households).

Input Files


This is the synthesized population file generated by PopulationSim. Its format can be found here.


This is the synthesized population file generated by PopulationSim. Its format can be found here.


Its format can be found here.


If the it is for concurrency, this file is generated by Its format can be found here; If it is for base year or other future year scenario, this file is generated by The file format can be found here;


This file tells the program in within the City's limit, which census block groups we want to use local estimates. This file only includes block groups that are within the City of Bellevue limit.

Attribute Description Value
GEOID10 census block group ID
User_Local Do you want to use local estimate for this blockgroup? Y or N


This file is generated from Its format can be found here.

Output Files


This file is an updated synthesized household file with allocated parcel information. Its format can be found here.


This file is a synthesized person file with updated attributes to meet file specification. Its format can be found here.


This file is the assembled synthetic population in h5 format. The format can be found here.

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