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Awesome App Alias Authoring Angular App

A crazy app idea generator I made for the CODE Network 2018 showcase (because I couldn't think of an idea for an app to present in the first place.)

You can build it yourself, or have a look at the thing live, right here.


Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. If you want to build the app run ng build.

How It Works

Each sentence is essentially a journey across a directed graph which controls the grammar. When the app reaches a node that has more than one child node, it chooses a path randomly, each with equal probability. This continues until the app reaches the end of the graph and the random sentence is generated.

Generating Ideas

It's super easy! Just press the 'generate' button.

Adding Data

I use this d3 application to define the grammar for the app (you can find the exported JSON here). I also use this dictionary file. If you fork the gists, you can add them into your version of the app here!

Built With


  • Press the 'generate' button for a new app idea Press 'generate' to generate
  • Try and develop a calendar app for forgetting your Twitter handle Forget your twitter handle
  • Try and develop Slack but for insurance premiums