#Welcome to JEDI MEAN Stack course!
The acronym of MEAN refers to the 4 technologies MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node.JS. This technologies are often used together to build full featured web applications.
In this repository, you will find most of the examples used during the course. Feel free to contact me for any question!
- MEAN Stack architecture explained
- Setting up environment
- NodeJS basics
- Database
- MongoDB basics
- Mongoose ODM (Object document model)
- API Rest
- What is an API Rest?
- API Rest with Express and Node.js
- Express middleware
- Express routing
- JSON Web Token Authentication
- Angular JS
- Angular Architecture
- Templates and data-binding
- Controllers, Directives, Services.
- Consuming API Rest
- Using bootstrap with angular
- States and routes
- Forms and Validation
- Animating apps
- Final Project