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meygerjos edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 20 revisions

There is no currently existing git documentation that's any good. If you want to learn git, you should read through a lot of different things about git to get a sense. Don't worry if there's stuff you don't understand, that is inevitable because there's no good git documentation. You will start to get a sense as you read more. It will also help to go back to things you have already read later after having read other things, because the other things might help with difficulties in the things you already read. This is how hermeneutic cycles work.

Conceptual Introductions to Git

Git Guides



Stackoverflow Questions

Mathematical Theory of VCS (version control software)

Some less useful sources:

Alternatives to git

  • Darcs -- The leading alternative, I think
  • Pijul -- Claims to Implement Mimram and Di Guisto's result