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Sample Android app using MVI, reactive data binding and dependency inversion between modules

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Repository files navigation

This repository contains a demo project, which

  • lists top Android Github repositories
  • shows a simple detail view for a repository selected from the list


  • Architecture: Model-View-Intent + reactive data binding (using RxJava2).
  • RecyclerView loads data gradually, page by page.
  • Loaded data gets cached in memory and survives configuration changes (no Jetpack's ViewModel is used).
  • Code is written in accordance to SOLID principles.
  • Modularisation is done with dependency inversion principle in mind.


Each application screen is built around the architecture shown in the diagram below and follows the same Model-View-Intent pattern.

Service is responsible for performing operations and delivering data. It implements Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern and is capable of receiving commands and dispatching state. View has own interface, which reflects the one of the service. It can send events and accept states, which are specific to each view. ViewModel is the layer in between, which binds Views and Services by mapping their events/commands and states.

As you might notice, the View is decoupled from AndroidView. It is because they have different responsibilities. AndroidView is there to hide complexity of native Android views behind a simpler contract. View defines proper events/state contract and adapts it to the simplified contract of AndroidView.


While AndroidView, View and ViewModel can be created and destroyed multiple times by following the activity lifecycle, Service lives in a broader scope and keeps data cached in memory. In this demo app the services reside in application scope and the views reside in fragment scope. Even better option would be to keep services in a "retained" scope corresponding to the scope of ViewModel in terms of Android Jetpack.


The code in this app is grouped by features in the first place and then it is devided into modules by scopes. Thus each new implemented application screen will add at least two more modules to the app: feature - with UI-agnostic part of the feature implementation and feature-ui with UI-specific implementation. Dependency direction is always from the UI-specific module to the one containing services.


This application could use any library for dependency injection or even no library at all. I have chosen Magnet dependency injection library because it has simple configuration (there are almost no DI-related classes) and it supports dependency inversion between modules. The only rule I had to follow was to keep app module free of code. The app module is mainly used for assembling other modules. Dependencies defined in app module declare the code to be included in the resulting apk. Correspondingly, the other modules must not depend on the app module. They will introduce a circular dependency, if they do.

🔥 Notice the debugImplementation dependencies to the leakcanary stuff in the app modules. By declaring those dependencies, the app will include leakcanary library into debug build, but not into release build. No code modifications or no-op stubs are needed for release build. This build flexibility is achieved by using magnetx application extension and adapter for leakcanary library.


Sample Android app using MVI, reactive data binding and dependency inversion between modules







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