All notable changes to "COVID-19 Epidemic in South America" will be documented in this file.
- Proportional Hazards models code.
- Descriptives per people code.
- Scripts and folders names standardisation.
- Regional mobility diff-in-diff code.
- Mobility robustness checks.
- Mobility placebo test.
- Revision of upgrade versioning (formats of data sets and preprints).
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- MIT license on GitHub repository.
- Code of conduct in MD format.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Repository status badge.
- Minor corrections.
- License in MD format on GitHub repository.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Changelog in MD format on GitHub repository.
- Minor corrections.
- Mobility and poverty preprint on private OSF component.
- Replication File: Demonstration for R on private OSF component and GitHub repository.
- Mobility robustness checks.
- Mobility placebo test.
- Regional mobility diff-in-diff code.
- Minor corrections.
- ITU mobile-broadband subscriptions indicators backup on GitHub repository.
- ITU Mobile-cellular subscriptions indicators backup on GitHub repository.
- Mobility robustness checks.
- Mobility placebo test.
- Mobility robustness checks.
- Mobility placebo test.
- Regional mobility diff-in-diff code.
- Mobility robustness checks.
- Mobility placebo test.
- Regional mobility diff-in-diff code.
- Regional mobility diff-in-diff code.
- Regional mobility estimations code.
- Poverty sources.
- Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker economic indicators.
- Regional mobility estimations code.
- Regional mobility estimations code.
- Poverty sources.
- Regional mobility estimations code.
- Git LFS.
- Regional mobility estimations code.
- Minor corrections.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Minor corrections.
- Regional mobility diff-in-diff code.
- Regional mobility diff-in-diff code.
- Google COVID-19 Mobility Data backup on GitHub repository.
- Regional mobility estimations code.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 dataset scraper gist.
- Incidence in South America code gist.
- Parametric Re estimations Colombia code.
- Parametric Re estimations Paraguay code.
- Parametric Re estimations Peru code.
- Parametric Re estimations Uruguay code.
- Replication File: Demonstration for R (DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105180).
- Parametric Re estimations Argentina code.
- Parametric Re estimations Bolivia code.
- Parametric Re estimations Brazil code.
- Parametric Re estimations Chile code.
- Minor corrections.
- Early projections Paraguay code.
- Early projections Peru code.
- Early projections Uruguay code.
- Early projections precoding.
- Early projections Argentina code.
- Early projections Bolivia code.
- Early projections Brazil code.
- Early projections Chile code.
- Early projections Colombia code.
- Oxford Government Responses Tracker scraper.
- Descriptive analysis code.
- Early responses and demonstration for R section.
- Johns Hopkins CSSE COVID-19 Dataset scraper.
- Reorganisation between old online monitor and paper analysis.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- AM revised on private OSF component.
- AM revised based on the revision comments on private OSF component.
- Replication File: Demonstration for R on private OSF component.
- New stratified, pooled model.
- Accepted Manuscript (AM) after the peer review process on private OSF component.
- Early responses preprint on private OSF component.
- Replication File: Demonstration for R on private OSF component.
- Minor corrections.
- Our World in Data Dataset backup on GitHub repository.
- V-Dem Core v10 Dataset backup on OSF.
- Stratified, pooled Cox Proportional Hazards Models for suppression interventions.
- Early evolution of the pandemic in South America descriptives.
- Early projections vs. observed data corrections.
- Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker corrections.
- Burden Index corrections.
- Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker Dataset backup on GitHub repository.
- Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 Dataset backup on GitHub repository.
- Updating on a regular basis.
- Updating on a regular basis.
- Logarithmic scale in daily incidence.
- Plots labels.
- Early projections vs observed data.
- Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker.
- Burden Index.
- Logarithmic scale in projections.
- Projections subtitles.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Further details in the technical note.
- Possible peaks in growth-phase cases.
- Minor corrections.
- Technical note.
- Minor corrections.
- Minor corrections.
- Log-incidence models considering the decay-phase.
- Minor corrections.
- Figures subtitles.
- Minor corrections.
- Slice future incidence simulations time interval.
- Minor corrections.
- Figures subtitles.
- Revision of upgrade versioning.
- Connection to the Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 Dataset.
- Minor corrections.
- OSF data component (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/3QRMZ).
- Epidemic trajectories and future incidence simulations.
- OSF data component (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/3QRMZ).
- Slice South American period data to improve the R estimations.
- Minor corrections.
- R estimations in detail.
- Minor corrections.
- Badges in SVG on GitHub repository.
- Incidence analysis and epidemic curves stratified.
- R and serial interval distribution estimations by country.
- Modify .gitignore file on GitHub repository.
- Minor corrections.
- Data scraping.
- GitHub repository.
- README in MD format on GitHub repository.
- GitHub page powered by Jekyll.
- OSF project (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/6FM7X).
- OSF data component (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/3QRMZ).
- OSF visualisation component (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/Y6C7Z).
- License CC BY 4.0 on GitHub repository.
- Changelog in TXT format on GitHub repository.
- Minor corrections.
- Cases selection and identification of information sources.