An app for rating restaurants that you and your coworkers frequent. A local or corporate yelp? I built this specifically for SourceNinja for us to identify the best burrito places close to us.
By default uses github for authentication. You can easily add twitter, facebook, etc. I used the omniauth gem and some quick google searches, you can implement what you would like.
- Clone Repo
- Setup on Heroku, add a RedisToGo Instance.
- Create a Github application
- Add Keys to heroku
heroku config:add GITHUB_ID=XXXXXXXXXXX
heroku config:add REDIS_URL='redis://'
- Start Eating, Enjoying, and Rating!
- Fork project
- Create a feature branch
- Write your code (and tests please)
- Push to your branch's origin
- Create a Pull Request from your branch
If you run locally, you will need to start a redis server
In another window, type
QUEUE=recommendable rake environment resque:work
This uses the awesome recommendable gem located here.