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Stackoverflow Curriculum Vitae - Résumés

After that I read this post, I started from my old Stackoverflow CV and I have added some features of these curricula vitae templates to generate the original Stackoverflow CV and my upgraded version.


You can clone this repository in your local: if you are ready to make your CV, the make cv command, it will generate correctly a file named stackoverflow.pdf

# clone my repository
git clone
cd stackoverflow-cv/

# if the command below will not generate any errors, you are ready to make your CV, else before you have to follow the steps suggested
make test 

# if the command below will not generate any errors, you can try to generate my CV for testing
make cv


You can copy or modify the file named stackoverflow.tex with your details.

This template compiles with standard pdflatex. There are no special requirements outside of packages that are supplied with a full distribution of TeX.

  • if you modify directly the file named stackoverflow.tex, you can use make cv command: it will generate your new PDF file named stackoverflow.pdf
  • if you modify directly the file named stackoverflow.tex, and you also want to remove the all support files generated by pdflatex, you can use make all
  • if you copy the file named stackoverflow.tex in yours, you can use directly pdflatex your-file.tex: this command will generate the file named your-file.pdf and some support files

The package pdflatex will generate some support files that you can remove with the command make clean

There is also another version of CV: this is my upgraded version with some new features. If you want to use it, you can modify the file named stackoverflow-upgrade-version.tex and use the command make upgrade

Development of your CV

You can modify all that you want: colors, fonts, formatting, .. and so on. And you can use the file named fontawesome.pdf to add any symbols that you want.

There is a file to manage the general formatting: it is named stackoverflow.cls. In this file, you can find all \newcommands and others used in files stackoverflow.tex. There is also another cls file named stackoverflow-upgraded-version.cls that I created initially to generate my upgraded version of Stackoverflow CV that I used with the file named stackoverflow-upgraded-version.tex.

You can find a simple description of each component below.


This template uses the Raleway font. A number of other options that also look good are available in the class file. Simply copy one of these into the template and uncomment it to use a different font.

Plus there are two command to manage little title before a paragraph or sentence:

  • \sci{your text}, for adding small caps and italic style
  • \iu{your text}, for adding italic and underline style

Finally, the main colours are managed in an unique point: you can change them looking for \definecolor command.


You can use the icons of FontAwesome. Icons are added with a command like this: \icon{Phone}{12}{+1 123 456 789}. The first argument is the FontAwesome identifier for the icon you would like to use, this is simply the text after \fa in the file named fontawesome.pdf. For example, the command for the previous phone icon would be \faPhone. The second argument of the \icon command is the width and height of the square box that encloses it, you can adjust this as needed. Finally, the third argument is the text to the right of the icon box, be careful to keep this short or it will be difficult to fit everything into the width of the page.

Bar chart

The skills bar chart is created using a barchart environment. The environment takes a single argument for the maximum width a bar can take up at 100% width, in cm. Inside this environment, use the \baritem{}{} command to add new bars. The first argument to this command is the skill label and the second is the percentage width the bar should take up of the maximum width specified for the environment. Use whole numbers from 1-100 for this.

Positioning Content on the Page

This template makes extensive use of the minipage environment for positioning elements next to each other on the page. If you’d like to make a new set of elements, it’s recommended to copy an existing example from the template and modify the percentages. Make sure they add up to 100% whenever adjusting minipages.

Spanning Multiple Pages

If your content doesn’t fit on one page, it will automatically wrap to the next page at the next reasonable location between entries in lists, such as for Experience or Education. LaTeX will decide where this should occur, and if you don’t like this behaviour, you can simply add a \newpage command to wherever you would like to manually break to the next page. Be wary that changing content upstream of such a break will shift its position up or down.

Bubble boxes

This template uses \ovalbox and tcolorbox to manage a bubble box for technical skills: you can change them looking for tcolorbox word. You can use two commands to create bubble boxes:

  • \bbtrim{your text}, for adding a box around single word
  • \bb{your text}, for adding a box around a phrase with also more lines


Bubbles are created using the \bubbles{} command. The only argument to this is a string specifying the number of bubbles and their sizes and labels. This must be in the following format: \bubbles{5/Eclipse, 6/git} where the number is the relative size of the bubble and the text to right of the slash delimiter is the bubble label. Each bubble should be separated by a comma from the previous one.

CV Sections

New sections (the labels with stackoverflow colour text after a head line) are created using the \cvsect{} command. This takes a single argument for the section text.

Technical Skills Sections

This section introduces new components:

  • \block{your title}{your description}, to create a line in stackoverflow colour and two columns; this command takes 2 arguments: the first is the title and the second is the description
  • \miniblock{0.2}{0.8}{your title}{your description}, to create another two columns and it takes 4 arguments: the first is the width percentage of the first column, the second is the width percentage of the second column, the third is the title in bold style and the fourth is the description
  • \linewithstring{your text}, to create a line in stackoverflow colour with a string on the right in gray and bold style

CV Entry lists

Important information with multiple entries lives in entry lists. These are created using the entrylist environment. Inside this environment, each entry is added using the \entry command. This command takes 4 arguments, the first is the date range on the right, the second is the job title, the third is the company name and the fourth is the entry description. The entry description can include a list of technologies as follows:

  • \texttt{PHP}\slashsep\texttt{JS}}, for monospace style
  • \bbtrim{} or \bb{}, for bubble box style

If you don’t need any of these elements in the entry, leave its argument empty rather than removing it entirely.

You can also add other sections like this: you can find the Certifications and Education Sections.

Publication lists

There are also a command to manage your publications. These are create using the publicationlist envinroment. Inside this environment, each publication is added using the \publication command. This command takes 3 arguments, the first is the title of article, the second is the date and the third is the details that you want to add.

Change Log

See for details.


This package is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Stackoverflow Curriculum Vitae - Résumés







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