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Your Identity

A face detection algorithm that uses the webcam to detect faces and tell you about your identity.

Table of Contents
  1. Welcome
  2. Description
  3. Instructions for Download
  4. Contact


This project was built Benj the master, Jeff the Chef, and Dallin the one that carries the team for the 2023 YHack at BYU over the course of 24 hours. This project uses OpenCV to detect faces, compare them to a database of faces of celebrities, estimate your age and gender, and then tell a story about you and your celebrity twin.


The program starts by introducing itself and asking you to say your name. It then uses the webcam to take a picture of your face and compares it to a database of celebrity faces. We used selenium to scrape the faces of celebrities the top 1000 actors in Hollywood from IMDB. We had to center the faces of each of the celebrities in order to construct a database with a high quality mean eigenface. We then use the eigenfaces SVD technique to find the closest actor to the image captured from the webcam. The program then uses a text to speech engine to tell you about your celebrity lookalike, and estimate your age and gender. It predicts age and gender by using a pre-trained models from openCV. The program then uses the openAI GPT-3 API to generate a story about you and then say good bye.

Instructions for Download

You'll need to start by downloading a few python packages with these commands:

pip install opencv
pip install numpy
pip install face_recognition
pip install selenium
pip install tkinter
pip install openai
pip install urllib
pip install pyttsx3
pip install pyaudio
pip install speech_recognition
pip install matplotlib
pip install scipy
pip install imageio


Dallin Stewart -

Jeff Hansen -

Benj McMullin