#Project Struture
1. Init node data
# cd network_poa
#./init_local.sh node1
#./init_local.sh node2
2. Start nodes
=> Open 2 console window and run separate command
#./run_local.sh node1
#./run_local.sh node2
1. Run docker-compose to initialize environment
#cd app
#docker-compose up
2. Run api server
#cd server
#go run main.go
3. To send request to API or docker-compose
- Load file app/client/Loyalty.postman_collection.json vào postmain
4. Document
- swagger serve -F=swagger swagger.yaml
1. Generate contract code if need
#cd contracts
#./generate_abi.sh wallet/Business.sol build/Business
#./generate_golang.sh build/Business/Business.abi ../app/server/contracts/Business.go
#Update content in 2 file:
# - build/Business/Business.abi
# - build/Business/Business.bin
# into app/config/contract.yml