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Multi Scale Actor Critic Morris Maze Model

Martin Llofriu edited this page Dec 20, 2016 · 6 revisions

Short Description

This models a Morris Maze task with a fixed platform. It implements a multi-scale actor critic architecture.

XML and Parameters

The XML file is in multiscalemodel/src/edu/usf/ratsim/experiment/xml/morris/multiscale/actorcritic/virtual.xml.

Some important parameters are:

  • numCCLayers: Number of conjunctive cell layers
  • numCCCellsPerLayer: Number of cells per layer
  • votesConnProbs: Layer connection probabilities to action selection for gradient connections
  • valueConnProbs: Layer connection probabilities to value estimation for gradient connections
  • minPCRadius: Minimum conjuntive layer cell radius (meters)
  • maxPCRadius: Maximum conjuntive layer cell radius (meters)
  • votesNormalizer, valueNormalizer: Normalizes activity created by the conjunctive cells
  • minHDRadius: Minimum angular radius of conjuntive cells (radians)
  • maxHDRadius: Maximum angular radius of conjuntive cells (radians)
  • foodReward: Reward value for food
  • nonFoodReward: Reward value given when it doesnt eat
  • rlDiscountFactor: Lambda discount factor for the learning algorithm
  • alpha: Alpha for the learning algorithm
  • explorationReward: Value assigned to exploration action-values
  • explorationHalfLifeVal: Half life value for decay exploration


Training: naive subjects are placed in the maze. Each episode starts from the same position and ends when the animat gets to the platform (or at timeout).

Recall: the platform stays in the same place, fewer episodes are executed to assess the rat knowledge of the maze.


Learning: executes both trials.

Control: only executes the recall trial, serving as a negative control.

Expected output

For one individual, the Training/plots/ folder withing the logs folder should contain the runtimesEpisodebox.Training.pdf plot. It should look as follows:

That folder also contains value and path plots. Each dot represents the location of a conjunctive cell and its color represents its value. The plots should look like:

In the Recall/plots folder, a runtimes plots can also be found. It should look like:

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Output from all individuals

If all individuals are executed, the plots should look like below. Notice that only recall has both groups, as the Control group does not run the Training trial.