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TOPIC: Python

Ben Tully edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 20 revisions

Suggested prerequisites for this topic

If the user is interested in natively installing python on their computer, please see

Otherwise, see: Introduction to using Jupiter notebooks via


Lesson 1 -- Introduction to Python

Introductory material

Date posted: 14 April 2020 Author(s): Ashley B. Cohen
Instructor(s): Ashley B. Cohen

  • Exploring the features of Binder
  • Running a simple script
  • Typing python commands in a terminal environment

Video presentation

Interactive material

Date posted: 14 April 2020 Author(s): Ashley B. Cohen
Instructor(s): Ashley B. Cohen

Content | Video presentation | Binder

Lesson 2 -- Immutable Data types

Introductory material

Date posted: 30 April 2020 Author(s): Dr. Ben Tully
Instructor(s): Dr. Ben Tully

  • Set and determine the datatype of a variable using python methods
  • Apply some of the built-in python string functions to manipulate the way that text is displayed in print statements

Content | Video presentation

Interactive material

Date posted: 30 April 2020
Author(s): Dr. Ben Tully
Instructor(s): Dr. Ben Tully

Content | Binder

Lesson 3 -- Mutable Data types

Interactive material

Part 1 - Strings and Lists

Date posted: 12 May 2020
Author(s): Ashley Cohen
Instructor(s): Ashley Cohen

Content | Video Presentation | Binder

Interactive material

Part 2 - Dictionaries

Date posted: 12 May 2020
Author(s): Dr. Ben Tully
Instructor(s): Dr. Ben Tully

Content | Video Presentation | Binder

Lesson 4 -- Live Coding Demo 1

Interactive material

Parsing the header line of a FASTA file

Date posted: 14 May 2020
Author(s): Ashley Cohen
Instructor(s): Ashley Cohen

Content | Video Presentation | Binder

Lesson 5 -- Live Coding Demo 2

Interactive material

Parsing the columns of the GenBank Assembly file

Date posted: 23 May 2020
Author(s): Dr. Ben Tully
Instructor(s): Dr. Ben Tully

Content | Video Presentation | Binder

Lesson 6 -- Live Coding Demo 3

Interactive material

Aggregating taxon and combining OTU count data

Date posted: 6 June 2020
Author(s): Ashley Cohen
Instructor(s): Ashley Cohen

Content | Video Presentation | Binder

Lesson 7 -- Introduction to Pandas dataframes

Interactive material

Date posted: 22 June 2020
Author(s): Ashley Cohen
Instructor(s): Ashley Cohen

  • A library developed for handling multi-dimensional data sets, which are stored as DataFrame python objects

Content | Video Presentation | Binder

Extended Resources and Publications


