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TOPIC: Transcriptomics

Ben Tully edited this page Jan 9, 2021 · 19 revisions

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Lesson 1 -- Introduction to Transcriptomics

Introductory Material

Date posted: 22 April 2020
Author(s): Arkadiy Garber
Instructor(s): Arkadiy Garber

  • What is a transcriptome?
  • Case studies using transcriptomics:
    • Differential gene expression
    • Gene expression by community (metatranscriptomics)
    • Combining metatranscriptomics and metagenomics
  • General transcriptomic pipeline overview
  • Transcript assemblers and read aligners

Content | Video presentation

Lesson 2 -- rRNA depletion (wet lab and in silico)

Introductory Material

Date posted: 27 April 2020
Author(s): Arkadiy Garber
Instructor(s): Arkadiy Garber

  • Why remove rRNA from you RNA samples?
  • Various wet-lab rRNA depletion methods:
    • NEBNext rRNA depletion using RNase H
    • NEBNext mRNA enrichment using magnetic beads
    • DIY method using probes and streptavidin-coated magnetic beads
    • DASH: using Cas9 to remove unwatned high-abundance sequences
    • Illumina RiboZero kits
  • Brief SortMeRNA intro

Content | Video presentation

Interactive material

Date posted: 27 April 2020
Author(s): Arkadiy Garber
Instructor(s): Arkadiy Garber

Video presentation | Binder

Lesson 3 -- Read counting with htseq-count

Introductory Material

Date posted: 15 June 2020
Author(s): Arkadiy Garber
Instructor(s): Arkadiy Garber

  • Generating count tables: where this is in the RNA seq pipeline
  • The HTSeq framework
  • comparison to other read counting tools

Content | Video presentation

Interactive material

Date posted: 15 Juen 2020
Author(s): Arkadiy Garber
Instructor(s): Arkadiy Garber

  • htseq-count
  • read mapping paramaters
  • count table output

Content | Video presentation | Binder

Primary tools/programs used:

Lesson 4 -- RNA assembly with Trinity

Interactive material

Date posted: 2 Auguest 2020
Author(s): Arkadiy Garber Dr. Alexis Marshall, Dr. Ella Sieradzki
Instructor(s): Dr. Alexis Marshall

  • Read QC and assessment prior to assembly
  • rRNA depletion
  • Trinity

Content | Video presentation | Binder

Primary tools/programs used:

Extended resources and publications