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#Tide Tide is a ligthweight, online Lua REPL for LuaJIT with Torch support. REPL routines are based on Trepl and Luaish. Frontend was modified from


  • Small footprint http server civetweb with SSL support.
  • A naive login (optional)
  • Code editor for editing scripts.
  • REPL functions for loading and saving scripts into code editor.
  • Features from Luaish and Trepl:
    • Shell command execution, feedback results to a global Lua function
    • Tab-completion
    • History
    • Pretty print (table introspection and coloring, optional)
    • Each command is profiled, timing is reported (optional)
    • Print all user globals with who()
    • Import a package's symbols globally with import(package)
    • Optional strict global namespace monitoring
    • Shortcuts can be specified in configuration file
  • Torch support (can be disabled from configuration file)
  • Image display (Torch tensors) in fancy JsPanels
  • WebSocket based communication

Requirements (Server-side)

  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 14.04), OS X (tested on Yosemite)
  • LuaJIT
  • Civetweb: Embedded C/C++ web server
  • Torch-7: A scientific computing framework for LuaJIT (optional)
  • jsmn: A minimalistic library for JSON parsing
  • lpath : Path manipulation module for Lua
  • lua-cjson: A fast JSON encoding/parsing module for Lua
  • lua-MessagePack: Pure Lua implementation for msgpack (spec v5)
  • image: An Image toolbox for Torch
  • OpenSSL

Client-side Libraries


LuaJIT and OpenSSL should be installed before compiling tide. Tide will require Lua 5.1 header files and libluajit-5.1. In case of having multiple versions of Lua installed, change LUAJIT_INC_DIR and LUAJIT_LIB_DIR paremeters in src/Makefile appropriately. To run tide in minimum configuration (without torch support) following packages need to be installed

sudo luarocks install lua-messagepack
sudo luarocks install lua-cjson
git clone
cd lpath
sudo luarocks make rockspecs/lpath-scm-0.rockspec

To install tide:

git clone
cd tide

Modify and copy configuration file .luarc.lua to your home directory (if you are installing without torch support, set torch=false in config file).

cp luarc.lua ~/.luarc.lua

##Running In tide directory


The executable forks a child process. The main process listens on the control_port (default 8080) and redirects requests to the repl_port (default 8081) where the child process listens to. After serving static files, with a GET request for http(s)://localhost:8081/wsserver.lua, child process creates a lua state, establishes websocket connection and initializes REPL.

After executing server, in a browser, tide can be opened at http(s)://localhost:8080 (port numbers and SSL support can be specified in .luarc.lua configuration file).

Runtime errors are logged to error.log in tide directory.

##Configuration Configuration options can be specified as a Lua table in .luarc.lua file (this file should be copied to the user's home directory).

  control_port = 8080,
  repl_port = 8081,
  ssl = false,
  ssl_dir = "./ssl/server.pem",
  login = {user = "foo", password="bar"},
  torch = true,
  trepl = {globals=false, color=true, timer=false},
  images = false,
  keeplines = 500,
  shortcuts = {io="io.write"}

control_port: used to start/kill REPL process and to terminate tide server.

repl_port: used for REPL's websocket connection.

ssl: if true https protocol will be used.

ssl_dir: directory for certification files

login: username and password will be asked when client connects.

torch: torch package will be loaded.

trepl: if defined, Trepl package will be loaded

globals: displays a warning message when a global Lua variable defined

color: color printing

timer: display the time spent for execution of a script

images: image (Torch tensors) display function will be loaded

keeplines: number of lines to save for history

shortcuts: list of shortcutted commands

To disable "login", "trepl" and "shortcuts" options, just comment out the lines. If "torch" option is false then "images" will be ignored.

##Usage Any line begining with [.] is assumed to be a shell command:

th> .ls
luaish.lua  lua.lua

for details please refer to Luaish.

For loading/saving script/text files into/from code editor use:

th> .load filename
th> .save filename

(Code editor can be cleared by Ctrl+A:select all and then delete)

To display a Torch tensor as an image:

th> display(image.lena(), {id='img4', zoom=0.6, legend="test"})

For pretty printing tables use:

th> cprint({str="12345", num=10, bool=true})
  bool : true
  num : 10
  str : "12345"

To terminate tide web server :

th> .exit

License and Disclaimer

Tide is MIT licensed.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.