Create signed URLs for use with camo.
pip install camo-sign
>>> from camo_sign import create_signed_url
>>> base_url = ''
>>> secret_key = b'OMGWTFBBQ'
>>> image_url = ''
>>> create_signed_url(base_url, secret_key, image_url)'
This can be easily done using eg. lxml
def replace_image_links(html, camo_url, camo_key):
document = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
for elem in document.xpath('//img'):
old_src = elem.attrib['src']
if old_src.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
new_src = create_signed_url(camo_url, camo_key, old_src)
elem.attrib['src'] = new_src
output = lxml.html.tostring(document).decode()
return output