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Lantern backend_APIs

This project is a RestFul interface of the lantern application.

Update: Pull requests will be accepted now.

Not familiar git? Do this

  1. Fork the repo by visiting this link or clicking on the Fork button at the top right corner
  2. Go to your Terminal(Linux and Mac users), Git Bash(Windows), Termux(Android) and cd to the directory you'd like to work from. If you're using Termux, do termux-setup-storage and then cd storage/downloads and work from there.
  3. Run git clone to clone the repo on your machine.
  4. Run cd Lantern_APIs to enter into the cloned repo.
  5. Run git remote add upstream to create an alias for the repository
  6. Go to your forked repository, there is a clone or download button, click on it and copy the url displayed.
  7. Go back to your terminal and add an alias for your repo by running git remote add task <paste the url here>, without the angled brackets. You can replace task with an alias of your choice, just make sure you remember it.
  8. Run git checkout master to ensure you're in the correct branch.
  9. Make your changes to the file, make your contributions and smile a lot while doing that. We don't want angry code in the repo.
  10. Run git add . to stage all your changes to be committed. Do not spill anything on your PC at this point.
  11. Run git commit -m "<your username>:<Feature>: <Your commit message>"
  12. Run git pull --rebase upstream master to apply possible changes that might have happened on the online repo while you were making your own changes.
  13. Run git push task master. Remember to replace the alias if you changed it.
  14. Visit the URL of your forked repo. You'll see a button Compare and pull request. Click on it, type the appropriate messages and then make the pull request.
  15. Take a nap, you earned it no matter how little your change.

To contribute:

  • Ensure you do not edit the .gitignore file for any reason.
  • Whatever extension to the User model is done through a database relationship and not by OOP inheritance.
  • Ensure code works before pushing. Don't push breaking code.

Note: This README will be updated as often as possible to ensure we know how to set things up

To get Laravel part up and running

  1. Proceed to the Laravel project directory by: cd Laravel_APIs
  2. Run composer install to install composer dependencies.
  3. Run npm install to install npm dependencies.
  4. Run cp .env.example .env to create a copy of your .env file.
  5. Run php artisan key:generate to generate an app encyrption key.
  6. Run php artisan serve or php -S localhost:8000 -t public/ to run the development server.