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Releases: blender-to-gmstudio/blender-gms-vtx-buffer


09 Dec 16:57
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This release adds basic support for any shader node input to be written as a vertex attribute. The shader node inputs show up in the list like others and can be converted to a different data type as well, if needed. The default value is written.

  • The Mesh Data GUI also got a small update: it lists the vertex data more clearly and shows the size in bytes of the vertex format.
  • The add-on URL's were broken and have been fixed.


11 Jun 11:32
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Another small update of the exporter with a couple of fixes and small improvements:

  • The custom file extension has been moved under the "General" panel. The file filter will now automatically update when the value is changed.
  • The vertex attribute interpolation property went missing and is now added back in.
  • Added new export preset "Passthrough Normal", which is GM's default vertex format with the normal added (i.e. the in_Normal line uncommented in the shader)


01 Feb 21:44
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  • Fixed loop normals not being updated after creating the mesh (calc_normals_split)
  • Added export presets for a couple of common vertex formats:
    • passthrough - GameMaker passthrough vertex format. Inverts y coordinate so topdown in Blender corresponds to topdown in GameMaker's Room Editor (with an appropriate projection matrix set)
    • vbuff - DDD/Penguin Editor default file format
    • vbuff_for_example - Directional Light and Shadows in 3D tutorial on the GMC
  • Added a convenient Install Presets button to the Addon Preferences to install (overwrite) the above presets from defaults in the included preset files.


14 Dec 17:33
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An update of the add-on with some small additions to improve the ease of use:

  • Switched to panels instead of including all draw code in the file
  • Different default export settings: General, Mesh Data and Transforms panels open by default
  • Mesh-like types can now be exported (text, meta-ball, etc.)
  • No file extension is added anymore and the file filter is now set to include both ".vbx" and ".json"
  • A custom file extension can now be set in case you want to use one, e.g. ".bin", ".dat", ".buf", etc.


22 Apr 07:23
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Updated release where using the add-on from the Python console works properly.

NOTE Make sure to install the file in Blender. Installing from source code causes an issue with directory naming which will cause the install to fail.


19 Nov 10:55
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Includes a bugfix for a breaking issue where the add-on would throw an error if only metadata is exported.

This release is the first that provides a clean zip file with only the files that are needed.
It also includes a presets zip with the most common and useful export presets.
This should make installation and usage a lot more user-friendly.
Installing the add-on should no longer be done by directly installing the source code zip.