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Advanced Data Block

zmalinowski edited this page Feb 3, 2012 · 5 revisions

Advanced Data Block widget allows to create form for user input in human steps. Each field of this form is bound to a new or existing attribute of process instance. This widget is part of Base Widgets plugin.

Configuration specific to this widget has been divided into three tabs:

  • Hierarchy editor
  • Source
  • Widget preview

##Hierarchy editor

This tab allows to create desired form layout tree by dragging and dropping components from the available list:

  • Main elements - bound to process instance attributes and are rendered as html controls.
  • Check box
  • Date
  • Text Input
  • Label
  • Link
  • Text Area
  • Upload
  • Select - can also contain Item elements.
  • Item - can be used only nested in Select element
  • Positioning elements - aren't directly displayed, but determine position of other, nested elements.
  • Align element - allows to specify alignment of contained elements
  • Form Layout - organizes contained elements in a Form Layout
  • Grid Layout - organizes contained elements in a Grid Layout
  • Horizontal Layout - organizes contained elements in a Horizontal Layout
  • Vertical Layout - organizes contained elements in a Vertical Layout

Advanced data block - Hierarchy editorAdvanced data block - Hierarchy editor

Each component has its own configuration, displayed next to widget's hierarchy tree. Properties common for most of the components are:

  • Binding properties
Property Description
Bind to process attribute path path to the attribute in dot notation (i.e. user.enabled)
Class of process attribute if attribute is nested in another property, class of that property should be provided (i.e com.mycompany.User)
  • Display properties
Property Description
Caption text describing an element
Width CSS width attribute
Height CSS height attribute
Style name CSS style name
Full size boolean - if true, sets Width and Height to 100%
Undefined size boolean - if true, unsets Width and Height
  • Dictionary properties (only Select element)
Property Description
Dictionary name name of the dictionary
Element provider name of provider fetching dictionary

Below element's configuration there is Commit button, saving it to xml.


This tab contains xml corresponding to layout hierarchy and allows to create or edit hierarchy also in that way.

Advanced data block - SourceAdvanced data block - Source

##Widget preview

This tab presents widget's current state, as it would look like in user's task view.

Advanced data block - Widget previewAdvanced data block - Widget preview

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