my stack: (in order of descending proficiency)
- Languages: Python, SQL, Lua/Luau, and C/C++
- Backend: Django, Linux (ubuntu/fedora), SQLite and PostgreSQL
- Frontend: HTML, raw CSS, Bootstrap, and Tailwind.
- DevOps: GitHub, Git, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and DigitalOcean
- Tools: Jetbrains PyCharm, VSC, and Roblox Studio.
on a side note:
- native Chinese speaker
- English at IELTS band 8 (L8.5/R9/S7/W7)
- part-time goober
- full-stack dev
- programming since grade 4 (forced by mum)
- extensive experience in research with polyhedrons (rpg/board games player)
- maths enjoyer
most of my projects' source code are not public (for now). sorry.
web full-stack development:
- (2024) Classani - Classroom management tooling for the future
- Stack: HTML + Bootstrap + raw CSS, Python with Django, Ubuntu Server, PostgreSQL / SQLite, GitHub + Git, Google Cloud Platform & my usual tools
- Latest projec made for classroom management & stuff like that.
- Third project with Django, actual implementation of good practices.
- Closed source.
- (2024) - my corner on the interwebs
- Stack: HTML + raw CSS + private Git + Google Fonts & my usual tools
- One-page introduction & stuff about me.
- Social links.
- Closed source.
- (2024, abandoned) - Shopping site for construction materials & etc.
- Stack: HTML + Tailwind + raw CSS, Python with Django, Ubuntu Server, PostgreSQL, GitHub + Git, GCP + DigitalOcean & my usual tools
- Second project with Django, suggested by my parents.
- Very bad code (better than the first one), and not a lot of good practices are implemented.
- Private.
- (2023, abandoned) - Maths for Perfectionists.
- Stack: HTML + raw CSS, Python with Django, Ubuntu Server, PostgreSQL, Github + Git, DigitalOcean & my usual tools
- First ever project with Django & Python (first time using python for a project)
- Really bad code, shameful even.
- Private because I don't want to get yelled at.
roblox stuff: