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Boo Primer

Nathaniel Sabanski edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 21 revisions

by Cameron Kenneth Knight

A version is also available in Portuguese, translated by Cássio Rogério Eskelsen. <<<--- CAN'T FIND IT

A version is also available in Traditional Chinese (繁體中文), translated by Yan-ren Tsai aka Elleryq.

The english version is downloadable in a PDF.

  1. Starting Out
  2. Hello, World!
  3. Comparing code between Boo, C#, and VB.NET
  4. Booish
  5. Exercises
  6. Variables
  7. Using Booish as a Calculator
  8. Types of Numbers
  9. Characters and Strings
  10. String Interpolation
  11. Booleans
  12. Object Type
  13. Declaring a Type
  14. List of Value Types
  15. Exercises
  16. Flow Control - Conditionals
  17. If Statement
  18. If-Else Statement
  19. If-Elif-Else Statement
  20. Unless Statement
  21. Statement with Modifier
  22. Not Condition
  23. Combining Conditions
  24. Exercises
  25. Flow Control - Loops
  26. For Loop
  27. While Loop
  28. Continue Keyword
  29. While-Break-Unless Loop
  30. Pass Keyword
  31. Exercises
  32. Containers and Casting
  33. Lists
  34. Slicing
  35. Arrays
  36. List to Array Conversion
  37. Casting
  38. Hashes
  39. Exercises
  40. Operators
  41. Mathematical
  42. Relational and Logical
  43. Types
  44. Primary
  45. Unary
  46. Difference between Pre and Post Increment/Decrement
  47. Exercises
  48. Functions
  49. Builtin Functions
  50. Defining Your Own Functions
  51. Arguments
  52. Function Overloading
  53. Variable Arguments
  54. Exercises
  55. Classes
  56. Defining a Class
  57. Fields and Properties
  58. Class Modifiers
  59. Inheritance
  60. Interfaces
  61. Exercises
  62. Methods
  63. Defining a Method
  64. Class Constructor and Destructor
  65. Method Modifiers
  66. Member Visibility
  67. Declaring Properties in the Constructor
  68. Exercises
  69. Polymorphism, or Inherited Methods
  70. Exercises
  71. Structs
  72. Declaring a Struct
  73. Exercises
  74. Namespaces
  75. Declaring a Namespace
  76. Importing Another Namespace
  77. Exercises
  78. Enumerations
  79. Declaring an Enumeration
  80. Exercises
  81. Exceptions
  82. Catching Exceptions
  83. Raising Exceptions
  84. Exercises
  85. Functions as Objects and Multithreading
  86. Exercises
  87. Generators
  88. Generator Expressions
  89. Generator Methods
  90. Exercises
  91. Macros
  92. print Macro
  93. assert Macro
  94. using Macro
  95. lock Macro
  96. debug Macro
  97. Duck typing
  98. Exercises
  99. Using the Boo Compiler
  100. Command-line Options
  101. Using NAnt
  102. Structure of a Boo Project
  103. On the Project-level
  104. On the File-level
  105. Documentation
  106. Useful Links

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