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Database Recipes

Nathaniel Sabanski edited this page Jan 20, 2016 · 14 revisions

Added by dholton dholton,

Examples of working with databases from boo.

For general information about learning to use relational databases in .NET and Mono, see the ADO.NET page. There also is a page with links to tips about Database Design.

  • Bamboo Prevalence — In Bamboo Prevalence, all the data is stored in RAM for must faster access.
  • db4objects — db4objects (db4o) is a GPL-licensed native object database.
  • Firebird Database — Under Construction
  • Gentle.NET ORM — Gentle.NET lets you work with relational databases without using SQL directly.
  • NHibernate — NHibernate is a port of the Java Hibernate object relational mapper (ORM).
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite Database — SQLite is a small database engine that has become very popular.

You can also store objects to a file using simple serialization (with or without using XML).

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