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cyl_bessel_j_zero does not respect policies::promote_double<false> #398

evanmiller opened this issue Jul 8, 2020 · 22 comments · Fixed by #405

cyl_bessel_j_zero does not respect policies::promote_double<false> #398

evanmiller opened this issue Jul 8, 2020 · 22 comments · Fixed by #405


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I'm auditing a code base to eliminate uses of long double on x86 (i.e. eliminate all x87 instructions). After compiling, I dump the disassembly and look for forbidden instructions and function calls.

I found that the following small test program - which I am led to believe by Boost documentation will not promote doubles to long doubles - includes calls to a number of long double functions when compiled.

#include <boost/math/special_functions/bessel.hpp>

int main() {
    typedef boost::math::policies::policy<
        > numeric_policy;

    boost::math::cyl_bessel_j_zero((double)0.5, 1, numeric_policy());

A sampling of disassembly:

$  otool -t -V a.out | grep 'long double' | head -n 5
00000001000039a0	callq	__ZN5boost4math7lanczos19lanczos_initializerINS1_12lanczos17m64EeE4initC2Ev ## boost::math::lanczos::lanczos_initializer<boost::math::lanczos::lanczos17m64, long double>::init::init()
000000010000db3e	callq	__ZL4fabse ## fabs(long double)
000000010000db67	callq	__ZL3cose ## cos(long double)
000000010000db98	callq	__ZL5floore ## floor(long double)
000000010000dc5d	callq	__ZL3sine ## sin(long double)

Is this expected behavior, or a bug?

I realize that I can disable x87 with a compiler flag - but my compiler is actually crashing when I try that. So I am hoping to resolve the issue within Boost.

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NAThompson commented Jul 8, 2020

The Lanczos one I recognize: It's required. There is an ill-conditioned filter computation that really does need that extra precision; see here. Looks like its also responsible for the call to abs.

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I am porting code to a platform without native 80-bit or 128-bit (i.e. 'long double' is equivalent to 'double').

Will the Lanczos code fail to converge on such a platform?

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@evanmiller : It won't fail to converge, the filter coefficients will just not be as accurate. For digital filters, we generally want half-ulp accuracy precomputed once, under the assumption that applying the filter to data will dominate the execution time.

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@NAThompson Is it reasonable to ask that this coefficient computation respect the promote_double policy? It is important for my application that the same result is returned on all platforms, even if that result is not as accurate as it could be.

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NAThompson commented Jul 8, 2020

There's almost zero hope you'll get the same result on all platforms, even if it does respect promote_double; see (for one of many reasons) here.

The semantics of promote_double are somewhat different than what is being done in the Lanczos filters. The promote_double gives the option for a user to obtain half-ulp accuracy in a computation, rather than being limited to a weaker accuracy governed by the condition number of function evaluation.

In the Lanczos filters, we're using argument promotion just to achieve accuracy, because the filter computation is very ill-conditioned.

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There's almost zero hope you'll get the same result on all platforms, even if it does respect promote_double; see (for one of many reasons) here.

Well, I don't need bit-for-bit compatibility. But if there are indeed significant accuracy issues introduced without 80-bit long double, I would like to have control over it for the sake of general cross-platform consistency.

It seems to me that because promote_double defaults to true, a user who sets false is indicating a desire not to use long doubles internally.

In any event, if the current algorithm only guarantees accuracy when 80-bit registers are present, then it appears I will need to find another algorithm.

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NAThompson commented Jul 8, 2020

In any event, if the current algorithm only guarantees accuracy when 80-bit registers are present, then it appears I will need to find another algorithm.

I did a very deep lit search for this algorithm, and I couldn't find another one that had the same performance and capabilities. So if you do go find another where you can get the filter coeffs without an ill-conditioned step, I'd be very happy about it.

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I did a very deep lit search for this algorithm, and I couldn't find another one that had the same performance and capabilities. So if you do go find another where you can get the filter coeffs without an ill-conditioned step, I'd be very happy about it.

Well, I'm just looking for a pure 64-bit Bessel algorithm - I'm not trying to reinvent the Lanczos wheel. It could be something as simple as replacing Boost's lgamma with the system's lgamma.

I will need to investigate more to see exactly where the long double dependencies are for the functions that I'm calling.

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@evanmiller : Actually I think we're talking about a different Lanczos algorithm. I'm pretty sure there are no filter coefficients needed there. Probably @jzmaddock will know what the Bessel function is doing.

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This does look like a bug to me, @NAThompson the code in question is my old lanczos gamma function approximation, and it should be using a double precision approximation in this case IMO. @evanmiller can you get a call stack for where the long double calls occur?

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@jzmaddock I don't have a stack trace handy; I'm just disassembling a static binary right now.

I think I hit some Lanczos code through this code path earlier today though:

I can post suspicious disassembly here as I come across it. It looks like there is a similar issue affecting the beta function.

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A long double of cos_pi is being compiled into the original test program. It looks like there are a number of places where cos_pi is not being passed a policy:

$ grep -rn cos_pi .
./special_functions/detail/bessel_jy.hpp:409:            T cv = cos_pi(mod_v);
./special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_derivatives_series.hpp:196:      prefix = boost::math::tgamma(-v, pol) * boost::math::cos_pi(v) * p / boost::math::constants::pi<T>();
./special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_derivatives_asym.hpp:78:   const T ci = cos_pi(vd2shifted);
./special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_derivatives_asym.hpp:111:   const T ci = cos_pi(vd2shifted);
./special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_asym.hpp:83:   T ci = cos_pi(v / 2 + 0.25f);
./special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_asym.hpp:115:   T ci = cos_pi(v / 2 + 0.25f);
./special_functions/detail/bessel_jy_series.hpp:193:      prefix = boost::math::tgamma(-v, pol) * boost::math::cos_pi(v) * p / constants::pi<T>();

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cbrt is another source of inadvertent double promotion.

I'm making good progress eliminating the long doubles by passing policies around in more places - will open a PR later today.

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The factorial functions are another source of double promotion:

template <>
inline BOOST_MATH_CONSTEXPR_TABLE_FUNCTION double unchecked_factorial<double>(unsigned i BOOST_MATH_APPEND_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE_SPEC(double))
return static_cast<double>(boost::math::unchecked_factorial<long double>(i));
template <>
struct max_factorial<double>
value = ::boost::math::max_factorial<long double>::value);

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A small demonstration program is actually just:

#include <boost/math/special_functions/beta.hpp>

int main() { }

Based on the disassembly, it looks like an 80-bit Lanczos approximator is getting force-instantiated before any user code is called at all:

0000000100002dd0        pushq   %rbp
0000000100002dd1        movq    %rsp, %rbp
0000000100002dd4        movq    0x1225(%rip), %rax ## literal pool symbol address: guard variable for boost::math::lanczos::lanczos_initializer<boost::math::lanczos::lanczos17m64, long double>::initializer
0000000100002ddb        cmpb    $0x0, (%rax)
0000000100002dde        jne     0x100002dfe
0000000100002de4        movq    0x123d(%rip), %rdi ## literal pool symbol address: boost::math::lanczos::lanczos_initializer<boost::math::lanczos::lanczos17m64, long double>::initializer
0000000100002deb        callq   boost::math::lanczos::lanczos_initializer<boost::math::lanczos::lanczos17m64, long double>::init::init() ## boost::math::lanczos::lanczos_initializer<boost::math::lanczos::lanczos17m64, long double>::init::init()
0000000100002df0        movq    0x1209(%rip), %rax ## literal pool symbol address: guard variable for boost::math::lanczos::lanczos_initializer<boost::math::lanczos::lanczos17m64, long double>::initializer
0000000100002df7        movq    $0x1, (%rax)
0000000100002dfe        popq    %rbp
0000000100002dff        retq

So it's possible that this Lanczos code is never actually hit in my test program.

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I see this, here's a test program for you (requires current develop):

#include <type_traits>
#include <cmath>

// Poison the long double std math functions so we can find accidental usage of these
// when the user has requested that we do *not* use them.
// THIS IS NOT STD CONFORMING!!!  Is there a better way?
namespace std {
      long double fabs(long double, void* = 0);
      long double abs(long double, void* = 0);
      long double sin(long double, void* = 0);
      long double cos(long double, void* = 0);
      long double tan(long double, void* = 0);
      long double asin(long double, void* = 0);
      long double acos(long double, void* = 0);
      long double atan(long double, void* = 0);
      long double exp(long double, void* = 0);
      long double log(long double, void* = 0);
      long double pow(long double, long double, void* = 0);
#define TEST_GROUP_5
#define TEST_GROUP_6
#include "compile_test/instantiate.hpp"

int main()

The instantiation call stack gives the source of the error(s), the first of which is caused by:

template <>
inline float binomial_coefficient<float, policies::policy<> >(unsigned n, unsigned k, const policies::policy<>& pol)
   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<float, policies::policy<> >(binomial_coefficient<double>(n, k, pol), "boost::math::binomial_coefficient<%1%>(unsigned,unsigned)");

Which should be using promote_double<false> in it's forwarding-policy.

Many thanks for looking into this!!

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Clever solution! Just so you know: frexp is another function popular with the long-double crowd - at least according to the disassembly I was examining.

A complete audit is outside the scope of what I'm doing right now, but I'll send along pull requests for any more of those double-long weeds that I come across. The first batch of proposed changes is in #399.

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Changing binomial_coefficient gets rid of the 80-bit Lanczos, hooray! Here is my altered version... is this what you had in mind?

template <>
inline float binomial_coefficient<float, policies::policy<> >(unsigned n, unsigned k, const policies::policy<>& pol)
    typedef policies::normalise<
        policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy;
   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<float, forwarding_policy>(binomial_coefficient<double>(n, k, forwarding_policy()), "boost::math::binomial_coefficient<%1%>(unsigned,unsigned)");

If so, I will add it to my pull request.

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is this what you had in mind?

Yes exactly so!

Once your PR is in I'll try and do a thorough trawl for other issues.

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Ok! I've committed the binomial_coefficient change. Once Travis passes, the PR will be ready for review.

The last function affecting my own code base is unchecked_factorial, as mentioned above. I tried rewriting it to be more generic (i.e. using a single type-independent array), but my template-fu was found wanting. So if your trawl could start there, I would appreciate it!

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With the PR merged, I am now down to two sources of long double with this cyl_bessel_j_zero function:

  • unchecked_factorial, as mentioned

  • make_big_value, as in (lots of these):

double const boost::math::tools::make_big_value<double>(long double, char const*, boost::integral_constant<bool, true> const&, boost::integral_constant<bool, false> const&)

I can't yet tell if I can expect identical behavior on 64-bit and 80-bit platforms. For example, make_big_value looks like it gets pulled in from bessel_j0, e.g.

static const T P1[] = {
static_cast<T>(BOOST_MATH_BIG_CONSTANT(T, 64, -4.1298668500990866786e+11)),
static_cast<T>(BOOST_MATH_BIG_CONSTANT(T, 64, 2.7282507878605942706e+10)),
static_cast<T>(BOOST_MATH_BIG_CONSTANT(T, 64, -6.2140700423540120665e+08)),
static_cast<T>(BOOST_MATH_BIG_CONSTANT(T, 64, 6.6302997904833794242e+06)),
static_cast<T>(BOOST_MATH_BIG_CONSTANT(T, 64, -3.6629814655107086448e+04)),
static_cast<T>(BOOST_MATH_BIG_CONSTANT(T, 64, 1.0344222815443188943e+02)),
static_cast<T>(BOOST_MATH_BIG_CONSTANT(T, 64, -1.2117036164593528341e-01))

I think that because a double is being returned on both platforms the behavior will be identical, but I am not 100% certain.

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This seems to eliminate the long doubles in make_big_value when compiling with -mlong-double-64:

diff --git a/include/boost/math/tools/big_constant.hpp b/include/boost/math/tools/big_constant.hpp
index aad7ea133..727f44790 100644
--- a/include/boost/math/tools/big_constant.hpp
+++ b/include/boost/math/tools/big_constant.hpp
@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ struct numeric_traits<__float128>
    static const int max_exponent = 16384;
    static const bool is_specialized = true;
 typedef long double largest_float;
+typedef double largest_float;

 template <class T>

NAThompson pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 18, 2020
Before this change, any function calling unchecked_factorial<double>
would generate long double code. This created a headache for users
attempting to eliminate long doubles from their compiled code.

A more elegant solution might use templates to create a single lookup
array for all major floating-point types, but the present solution
(adding an explicit double array) works just fine.

See #398.
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