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row and cell definition for english

kmk edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Row and Cell definition

Rows must include Cells in the cells property as many as the number of columns.
Cell can have a value in value according to the type set by the type property of Column.

var columns = [
    title: 'Column A',
    field: 'column_a',
    type: PlutoColumnType.text(),
    title: 'Column B',
    field: 'column_b',

var row = PlutoRow(
  cells: {
    'column_a': PlutoCell(
      value: 'column a value',
    'column_b': PlutoCell(
      value: '2020-12-31',

List of row properties

Property name Description
cells You must define key-value pairs of cells as many as the number of columns.
sortIdx Set the sort order when each row is not sorted. It is entered in the order of the list even if it is not delivered.
checked Set the checkbox to be checked. It is valid only when the enableRowChecked property of PlutoColum is activated. If you want to change the value of the checkbox after PlutoGrid has already started, you must use the toggleAllRowChecked method of PlutoGridStateManager to be immediately reflected in the UI.

List of cell properties

Cell has no additional properties other than value corresponding to the value.