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column hiding for english

kmk edited this page Jan 16, 2021 · 1 revision

Column hiding - v1.1.0 or later version.

Hide the column or make it visible again.


If more than one column is hidden, the columns property of PlutoGridStateManager cannot access the hidden columns.
If there is a [A, B, C] column, if column A is hidden, the return value of columns.first is B, not A.
All columns must be accessed with refColumns.originalList.
So, with column A hidden, refColumns.originalList.first returns A.

Column hiding (Hide column) - Item in the menu to the right of the column title

Hide the column by tapping on Hide column.

Column setting popup (Set columns) - Item in the menu to the right of the column title

If you tap on Set columns, a popup that allows you to hide or show columns is called.
You can hide or show the column by checking or clearing the check box in front of the column title in the pop-up.

Column hiding (hideColumn) - Method of PlutoGridStateManager

You can hide or show columns by calling hideColumn of PlutoGridStateManager.

Column setting popup (showSetColumnsPopup) - Method of PlutoGridStateManager

When calling showSetColumnsPopup of PlutoGridStateManager, a popup that can hide or show columns is called.
You can hide or show the column by checking or clearing the check box in front of the column title in the pop-up.