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row pagination for english

kmk edited this page Aug 2, 2021 · 1 revision


When creating a PlutoGrid, you can perform pagination on the client side by returning the default PlutoPagination widget as the return value of the createFooter (or createHeader) callback function.

var grid = PlutoGrid(
  columns: myData.columns,
  rows: myData.rows,
  createFooter: (stateManager) {
    stateManager.setPageSize(100, notify: false); // Can be omitted. (Default 40)
    return PlutoPagination(stateManager);


  • When pagination is enabled, the behavior of stateManager properties or methods changes as shown below.
    • stateManager.rows - Refers to rows on the current page, not all rows.
    • stateManager.refRows - Refers to rows on the current page, not all rows.
    • stateManager.refRows.originalList - Refers to all rows, whether filtering or paging.
    • stateManager.refRows.filteredList - If it is filtered regardless of whether it is paging or not, it refers to the filtered result rows.