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Asude Ebrar Kızıloğlu

Ebrar Kızıloğlu edited this page May 18, 2024 · 27 revisions

About Me

Hello! I am Ebrar, a senior Computer Engineering student at Bogazici. I am interested in Machine Learning and NLP. I explore the realm of AI and seek for projects to train machines. I am the communicator of my group in the Cmpe 352/451 Software Engineering courses.


  • Programming Skills: Python / C++ / Java
  • Softwares: TensorFlow / ML libraries of Python / MySQL / React Native
  • Soft Skills: Communication / Organization / Documentation


I love traveling, reading and writing about life and everything within. I enjoy trying new cuisines and outdoor sports.

Contact Information


Weekly Contributions
Week 1
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Collecting the team members' github usernames. Communication 15 min ---- ----
Scheduling the initial group meeting. Meeting NA ---- ----
Setting up a home wikipage. Documentation 5 min ---- ----
Setting up a wiki sidebar. Documentation 15 min ---- #3
Creating a template for personal pages. Documentation 15 min ---- #4
Creating a template for meeting notes. Documentation 5 min ---- #25
Setting up a personal page. Documentation 15 min ---- #2
Attending the first meeting Meeting 30 min ---- ----
Reporting a github repo I like. Assignment 20 min ---- #9
Week 2
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Modifying the meeting notes template according to the feedback. Documentation 10 min Meeting template is more organized now. #32
Studying the Git mechanisms and commands. Learning 60 min Learned some cool Git commands. #40
Moderating the team meeting in 26/02/2024. Meeting 40 min ---- ----
Taking the meeting notes and documenting it in Wiki in 26/02/2024. Meeting 65 min ---- ----
Updating the meeting notes template according to the feedback. Documentation 25 min The template is a lot more readable now. #43
Adding an image for my favorite Github repo. Wiki 10 min There is a lovely lama image available here. #49
Filling up the Wiki Home page Wiki 20 min Wiki page now has the basic introduction. #51
Week 3
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Attending the team meeting in 03/03/2024. Meeting 40 min ---- ----
Assigning issues to everyone in the team for doing research on API. Organization 15 min ---- issues #58-#62
Doing research on developing a semantic browse and search application and taking Notes Research 50 mins Prepared a wikipage. #62
Week 4
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Attending the team meeting in 07/03/2024. Meeting 60 min ---- ----
Assigning issues to everyone in the team for brainstorming on the domain ideas Organization 5 min We collected our domain ideas here, then voted to choose the most favorable one. #70
Elicit requirements for posting and writing them to the requirements page. Planning 40 mins The posting requirements are written. #73
Week 5
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Arranging the previous meeting notes according to the feedback from TA. Documentation 20 min Meeting notes follow a better structure now. #80
Attending the team meeting in 15/03/2024 Meeting 75 mins
Gathering the requirement questions under a wikipage. Planning 10 min They are located in a wikipage now. #82
Organizing a customer meeting with the TA and attending it. Organization 40 min Our questions in terms of the requirements were answered.
Adding all my previous issues to the new Project. Planning 20 min All my issues are nicely shown on the roadmap view. #89
Update requirements for posting. Planning 40 mins The posting requirements are updated according to the customer notes. #90
Writing the Customer Milestone 1 Report, with Ramazan Planning 240 min A very detailed and elaborate milestone report is ready to be observed. #85
Crafting the Project Plan for the upcoming weeks Planning 20 min We now have a tentative scheduled plan ahead of us for this project in the roadmap view #94
Week 6
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Attending the team meeting in 27/03/2024 Meeting 50 mins
Adjusting the Project plan according to the feedback we received from the TA. Planning 20 mins We now have the design milestone in our project plan, prior to implementation.
Week 7
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Add new mockups for the scenarios, and expand the mobile mockups. Design 3 hours We now have various mockups for different scenarios, both web and mobile. #103
Study Sequence diagrams and other UML diagrams. Research 2 hours
Week 8 Spring Break
Week 9
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Fixing the Software Requirements according to the feedback. Planning 15 min Our requirements are now more cohesive. #107
Reviewing the use-case diagram and working on it along with other assignees to finalize the diagram. Planning 120 mins. I initially reviewed the diagram and left some comments for the assignees to the related issue. After some updates have been made, I held a meeting with Suleyman to further discuss the changes and finalize the use-case diagram. #104
After discussing the name of our platform in a meeting, I initiated a voting for it. Organization 5 mins. #108
Week 10
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Moderating the meeting on April 22. Meeting 45 min We discussed the customer milestone 2, finalized the design diagrams, initiated the MVP and distributed the sub teams (mobile, front-end and back-end). I took the meeting notes. ----
I initiated the Customer Milestone 2 Report. Documentation 30 mins. The report wiki page is created. #118
I determined the titles for the sequence diagrams and distributed them among the team members. Planning & Design 20 mins. Everyone will implement the sequence diagram they are assigned to. #110 & #111
Week 11
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Attending the mobile team meeting on April 24th. Meeting 40 min We initiated the mobile for MVP. I was assigned to implement the personal profile page. ----
Implement the Load feed page sequence diagram. Design 20 mins. The diagram is available on wiki. #112
Implement two interact-with-post sequence diagrams. Design 30 mins. The liked-a-post diagram and comment-to-a-post diagram are available on wiki. #113
Learn about mobile development and React Native. Learning #119
Implement the mobile personal profile page for MVP. Mobile Implementation 90 mins. The first draft of the page is available on branch 136-mobile-profile-page #136
Revising the project plan. Documentation 60 mins Our project plan is up-to-date with all of the previous issues and tentative plan for the remaning time. #139
Week 12
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Attending the team meeting on May 7. Meeting 40 min We determined priorities for the workload of milestone 3. ----
Discussing how to proceed in Mobile. Organization 30 mins I talked to my fellow mobile teammates, we distributed the workload and I initiated an issue to keep track of our progress on Mobile. #189
Adding the image upload and tag inout box to create post page. Mobile Implementation 50 mins The create post page on Mobile is now more comprehensive with all the necessary functionalities. #190
Implementing a post component on Mobile. Mobile Implementation 50 min We now have a Post component to use to display posts on feed. #200
Extending the mobile feed page to display posts. Mobile Implementation 100 min The feed contains mock posts for now. #200
Week 13
Task Type Time taken Outcome Related issue
Moderating the team meeting on May 11. Meeting 30 min We evaluated the progress we had so far in mobile, frontend, and backend, and commnunicated how to proceed. ----
Implementing requests to backend from Mobile for various pages. Mobile Implementation 400 mins Now, the mobile pages can send requests to backend, and parse the incoming responses to utilize data in mobile UI. #238
Testing mobile and fixing plenty of bugs. Mobile Implementation 200 mins Mobile app we released is now bug free. #239

My contribution that worth mentioning in detail

Initiating our wiki and creating templates

At the very beginning of our group creation, I took initiative to build our wiki home page and sidebar. I created personel page template and meeting notes template. Such foundation allowed my team to keep consistent structure while filling our individual profile pages, and taking meeting notes that are highly elaborate and descriptive. This experience was one of my first encounters with the wiki syntax. Fortunately, the learning curve was not steep, and I enjoyed working on them.

Writing the Customer Milestone 1 Report

For our first customer milestone, I took the lead on writing the milestone report, along with Ramazan. This was the most challenging task I have undertook so far in the scope of this project. I investigated previous years' repositories to figure out what kind of content we are expected to provide. I took notes from the document provided from the teaching staff, and I outlined the table of content of the report. Then, I initiated the wikipage and determined the subtasks. We divided the sections of the report equally with Ramazan. I wrote the project description & project status, and the organization and communication sections. I also provided a table for the status of the deliverables, as well as the table for the individual contributions. Additionally, I filled the deliverables section of the project by providing brief introductions for each deliverable and adding the related URIs. Moreover, as we discussed wth the team, I took initiative on preparing the roadmap view of Github for our project planning. I observed my teammates adding their issues to the project, and I sorted them accordingly, to obtain a nice time-flow in our project planning view.

Designing the Use-case UML Diagram

I was the reviewer of the use-case diagram. After my teammates designed the first draft, I provided an exhaustive review and held a meeting with Suleyman to further improve the diagram. Then, I took the initiative in my group to ask for feedback from the teaching staff for the class and use-case diagrams. I comminucated with the assignees of the use-case diagram several times during this process, to ensure we follow the feedback and general guidelines to obtain a good quality use-case diagram. This process of

Implementing our Mobile App

For the Milestone 2, I implemented the personal profile page for mobile. Then, I worked on some design details to make personal and feed pages look similar to each other, and to the web design. I worked together with Ramazan to resolve the node version issue we encountered and took notes of the solution in our repo. I worked with Ramazan on a connection with the back end. I also worked on resolving minor bugs, we encountered in mobile at the last minute, with Ramazan. For the demo of our project, I organized the flow of our demo and presented it with Suleyman and Abdullah Umut.

For the Milestone 3, I implemented a Post component, a comment screen and extended the Feed page to display all the available posts on the platform, as well as the tagging and uploading image functionalities to create post screen. I then worked on the implementation of the requests to backend endpoints. With valuable support from Ramazan and the entire backend team, I implemented several connections between the mobile UI and our backend, ensuring a smooth functionality and user experience for our platform.

  • PR #203: Mobile UI screens
  • PR #215 & #229: Mobile requests to backend for personal profile, comment and share post screens.
  • PR #224: Preserve the user info as a parameter between Mobile screens.
  • Issue #190: Improve create post screen.
  • Issue #200: Implement post component and extend feed page.
  • Issue #238: Implement various requests to backend.

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