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Meeting #6 | 27.03.2024

Güney Yüksel edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 8 revisions

Meeting Notes #6

📆 Date: 27/03/2024 21:00

📍 Location: Discord

Duration: 50

📝 Moderator: Güney Yüksel

📝 Note taker: Abdullah Umut Hamzaoğulları

🧑🏼‍💻 Participants

  • Arınç Demir
  • Abdullah Umut Hamzaoğulları
  • A. Ebrar Kızıloğlu
  • Güney Yüksel
  • Özgür Deniz Demir
  • Ramazan Onur Acar
  • Süleyman Emir Taşan
  • Utku Çelik
  • Semih Yılmaz

💬 Agenda

  • Improve project plan (and other deliverables if necessary) according to feedback

  • UML diagrams: class, use case, sequential

  • Communication plan revision

  • A name for the platform

  • Project Plan

  • Scenario Mock-Up's

📌 Discussions

  • For the project name, we have decided to open a poll for ideas till Saturday and on Sunday, we will open a poll to vote for them.

  • We will split the writing of the diagram to three to four people and we will do them sequentially.

  • For this week, we will start with the “Use Case Diagram”, then following with the “Class Diagram”, then “Sequential Diagram”.

  • For the Use Case Diagram, the deadline is Sunday, March 31. For the Class Diagram, the deadline is Friday, April 5.

  • For consistency, we have decided or a fixed meeting hour using when2meet. The hour that we were most available is Wednesday, 21.00, so for now, we are fixing our meeting schedule with the possibility of exceptions.

  • We have decided to create mockups for remaining scenarios. We will prepare the mobile versions of existing mockups + one more scenario that had not been done yet.

  • For the remaining parts of the mockup, we will decide in the next week.

🎯 Action Items

Action Responsible Issues
1 Use Case Diagram Arınç, Ramazan, Süleyman, Ebrar (R) #104
2 Class Diagram Semih, Güney, Deniz, Süleyman (R) #106
3 Mockup Improvements Ebrar, Abdullah Umut #103

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