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Özgür Özerdem

baycici edited this page Feb 26, 2024 · 7 revisions


Hello this is my personal wiki web page for CMPE352. My name is Özgür Özerdem and I am an Electrical and Electronics Engineering Student at Bogazici with a Minor of Computer Engineering. I am interested in Digital Design and specifically Hardware Accelerators and Hardware Software Co-Design.


  • Verilog
  • VHDL
  • Spice
  • Magic
  • Python
  • C
  • Assembly

Personal Interests

  • Turkish Folk Music
  • Chess
  • Video Games

Contact me

Weekly Progress

Week 1
Task Estimated Duration Actual Duration Type of Work Issues
personal wiki page created 20 mins 30 mins Documentation #2
watched video on github 40 mins 20 mins research #6
Week 2
Task Estimated Duration Actual Duration Type of Work Issues
Wiki page weekly progress part updated 10 mins 20 mins Documentation #33
Check out new repos and make sure the repos I shared are proper 40 mins 30 mins research #34

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